Virtual learning activity The Interactive Dictionary "The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein." Virtual learning activity The Interactive Dictionary Cooperative Interactive Learning
Working on the workbank 14. December 2017 Opening Working on the workbank Facebook group chat Choosing expressions in English Writing chosen expressions to Google Docs
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Finishing the dictionary: 15. December 2017 Finishing the dictionary: 20 expression for each topic (2 topics = 40 expression ) Insert pictures (as many as you want) Insert hypertext links to simple videos or interesting texts in English Be creative!!!
Group 1: Greeting Example: There is a hypertext link : English Slovak Romanian Italian Hungarian German French Hello! Ahoj! Alo! Ciao ! Szia ! Hallo! Bonjou!
Checklist: 1 document for each group 20 expressions for each topic name it like: Group 1: Greetings/General questions Share it with me ( 20 expressions for each topic Insert pictures, hypertext links Make sure that the dictionary is clear, nice and interactive