The facts! The moral code within Buddhism is the precepts, of which there are 5 main ones. This code helps Buddhists to complete the Moral steps on the Eightfold path which are right speech, right action and right livelihood.
The Precepts for all Buddhists 1. I undertake to avoid harming another life – the principle of ahimsa or non-violence 2. I undertake to avoid taking what is not given 3. I undertake to avoid sexual misconduct 4. I undertake to avoid incorrect speech 5. I undertake to avoid drink and drugs that cloud the mind. Write these down…
Think about it! For each of the 5 moral precepts describe a situation where they would help guide someone. E.g. If there was a bee in this classroom the first moral precept might guide you to gently let it out of the window without hurting it. Number your examples 1-5
Thinking about the 5 moral precepts what do you think Buddhists would say about: Eating meat? Abortion? Drinking lots of vodka? Telling someone what the person over there did today? Picking up a £10 note you spot in the corridor?
1. I undertake to avoid harming another life. This precept is against killing or harming living things, including animals. Because of this precept, many Buddhists are vegetarian. Are there any jobs a Buddhist might have to avoid because of this precept?
2. I undertake to avoid taking what is not given This precept is against stealing. It is also against exploiting people for financial gain, e.g. some kinds of aggressive advertising and selling. It can also mean deliberately wasting the time of another person, stealing their time and energy.
3. I undertake to avoid sexual misconduct This precept is against over-indulgence. It refers to sexual misconduct that harms oneself or others. Some Buddhists undertake to live without sex. For others there are no strict sexual rules, as long as no-one is taken advantage of. Some Buddhists try to avoid any over-indulgence, including food and drink.
4. I undertake to avoid incorrect speech. A Buddhist should avoid lying, slander, gossip, harsh speech and idle chatter. This involves being honest with other people and with oneself. Do not ‘put on an act’, but be yourself and share your thoughts in a straightforward way.
5. I undertake to avoid taking drugs and alcohol which cloud the mind. Although some Buddhists do drink alcohol, they should do so only in moderation and not allow their minds to become fogged and cloudy by it. Buddhists practise meditation as a way of keeping their minds clear and focussed.
The Eightfold Fold Path The 5 Precepts Help Buddhists follow the Eightfold path.