Gettysburg Address Abraham Lincoln Raven Brooks Elizabeth Phillips
Abraham Lincoln Provide at least 3 significant pieces of information about the author. He was a runner. Was elected on august 4th 1834. Family lives in Indiana.
HISTORICAL BACKGROUND November 19th 1863 To keep people in line. Great civil war.
Summary It is about the civil war and how we need more freedom and they will fight for our freedom, trying to make slavery illegal and have there freedom like they deserve.
RELEVANCE Because we need to know what has happened in the past to no how we got to today and how things have changed. Because it is important to our nation and needs to be taught, so kids also understand what has happened and no how it has either made us stronger or affected us.
LITERARY DEVICES Provide at least three examples of literary devices from the text. Copy the passage and label the device used. “But in larger sense, we cannot dedicate, we can not concentrate, we cannot hollow this ground.” Anaphora “The world will little note, nor long remember.” Personification “whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure” Personification.