Himachal Pradesh Profile HP is located in 450 meters to 6500 meters above sea level It is veiled from the plains of Shivalik range of mountains 49 cities Rural Population > 90% Core Competence: Water, Bio-Diversity, Climate Spectrum Economy determined not only by its own policies but those of neighboring state Villages around 20,000 Population – 64 lakhs District – 12 Literacy – 77% Male 86% Female – 68% Rivers Chenab, Ravi Beas, Sutlaj, Yamuna Formation : 1948 Integration of 31 Principalities Power Available as on 5700 megawatts Schemes under execution for 3150 Megawatts www.presidentofindia.nic.in
Progressive Agricultural, Horticultural, Industrial Policies Goals & Strategies Literacy PURA Employment Opportunities Value Added Processed Foods Integrated Water Management Healthcare for all Hydro Power Generation Intensive Horticulture ICT Floriculture Tourism Herbal Parks Himachal Pradesh Core Strength Progressive Agricultural, Horticultural, Industrial Policies Well developed Productive Environment www.presidentofindia.nic.in
Missions for Himachal Pradesh Literacy, Skill, Education and Health care PURA Medicinal, Floriculture and Aromatic Plants Horticulture Water Harvesting and Recycling Hydro Power Generation ICT Tourism Value added Garment industry www.presidentofindia.nic.in
Himachal Pradesh Government can facilitate this as a movement Mission 1a : 100 % Literacy HP Literacy – 77% (M-86%, F-68%) against all India average 65% Target: By 2007 – achieve 100% literacy About 14 lakh people need literacy Resources: 50,000 College Students 4,00,000 high school students Action Plan Launch a Literacy mission and movement with students participation: 4.5 lakhs students to take a mission to train at least 4 persons to read and write. Skill Enhancement Vocational Training Himachal Pradesh Government can facilitate this as a movement www.presidentofindia.nic.in
Mission 1b: VALUE BASED CREATIVE EDUCATION NATIONAL MISSION DEVELOPMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCE WITH VALUE SYSTEM AND ENTREPRENEURIAL FOCUS EDUCATION RAJU MODEL PREMJI (APF) MODEL Tele Education MODEL Character Buildup (3-5 yrs of age as intake) Literacy Improvement from School Dropout By Accelerated Learning through Computers Universal Interactive Tele Education Delivery System, Vocational Training 3 Models focusing on skills and values. Need to inject a dimension of entrepreneurship Use of IT for Tele-Education will provide speedy multiplier effect for delivery of the above to large number of people in our country. ENLIGHTENED CITIZENS Virtual University Village Panchayat Knowledge Centers School Dropouts 2004 2020 ~35% ~Nil HP – School Drop out 5 to 8 % in Schools, 12% at High Schools www.presidentofindia.nic.in