History Binary Numbers Booting an OS OS OS OS $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500
This company was created by Larry Page and Sergey Brin and is the number on Browser software What is Google?
The company was founded in the late 1800’s and now specializes in mainframe computers What is IBM?
This company was created by 3 guys who use to work at Pay Pal This company was created by 3 guys who use to work at Pay Pal. The company was recently purchased by Google What is YouTube?
This was created in 1969 by the government and was first called ARPANET What is the Internet?
This is an popular operating system on cell phones created by Google What is Android?
Binary numbers start with this What is 0011?
Binary Letters start with this What is 01?
All characters, called bytes, that you enter into a computer get converted in how many bits What is 8?
What is the tenth letter, J? 01001010 What is the tenth letter, J?
00111111 What is the number 15?
During a cold boot, the POST (power on self test) results are compared with data in a ______ chip What is a CMOS?
The computer components receive electricity from the power Supply is step number ___ What is STEP 1?
After the POST test passes successfully the BIOS searches for the OS What is STEP 5?
In this step, the operating system takes control of the computer What is STEP 6?
In this step, the BIOS runs a series of tests to check for hardware? What is STEP 3?
What is the GUI interface? The name of the interface when users interact with visual images such as icons and buttons. What is the GUI interface?
There are two types of system software What are operating systems and utility programs?
What is command-line interface? When DOS first came out it was a plain dark screen, this was the name of the user interface. What is command-line interface?
When hundreds and thousands of users connect at the same time it is called this. What is multiuser?
If you add a new piece of hardware, this must be installed before the device will run What is a driver?
The name of the person overseeing the network is called this. What is a Network Administrator?
When entering your password, this character replaces your keystrokes on the screen What is an asterisk?
This operating system was released after Windows XP What is Windows Vista?
Backup programs do this to a file so that it takes up less room What is compress?
This Utility program reorganizes files on a disk so the file is store contiguously. What is defragment?
An icon on the desktop that provides immediate access to a program is called What is a shortcut?
Screen savers were used to prevent this problem called What is ghosting?
This software acts without the users knowledge and deliberately alters a computers operation What is malware?
This program secretly collects information about the user, often relates to browsing habits What is Spyware?
This program contains the startup instructions What is BIOS?
T/F Storage Internet Misc Info $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $100 $300 $100 $100 $100 $300 $100 $400 $400 $100 $100 $100 $100 $500 $500 $100 $100 $100 $100
One of the many reasons people purchase computers is for Internet access. What is TRUE?
Computers cannot get a virus through e-mail. What is FALSE?
Text links may be underlined or displayed in a different color from other text on a Web page. What is TRUE?
Most browsers do not require the user to type http:// and www of a web address. What is TRUE?
Hotspots are businesses that provide individuals with Inherent access for a fee. What is FALSE?
To improve web searches, use general nouns and less specific text. What is FALSE?