P repared R esponsible I have and I CAN and I WILL positive attitude D o YOUR best E veryone matters
Get everything you need the first time Socialize appropriately with your peers Make healthy food choices Be polite, us please and thank you Clean up after yourself
Load and unload quickly and orderly,stay seated Respect the driver as well as other passengers Keep track of your belongings Use appropriate language and volume Follow the rules and make good choices
Report promptly to the gym or cafeteria Come in, be nice, say hello. Be where you should be Be in dress code upon arrival Remain seated and quiet
Walk on the right side quietly Keep moving and be on time Be helpful and considerate Avoid Bad Company Say hello in a nice, quiet voice
Have all materials and homework ready Follow classroom procedures and rules Give help, get help, work cooperatively with your peers Challenge yourself, always try your hardest to excel Be an active member of the learning process
Report Problems Treat others as you would want to be treated. Keep it clean and Avoid Bad Company Keep your hands to yourself
Show respect for Everyone Exit and enter as directed Cheer for ALL students, not just friends C ome in quietly and ready for the show. Be a positive role model for others