Higher physical education Revision Questions Cycle of Analysis
Wednesday 22nd March 2017 Quick check-up… FIPs – have I finished? If not, how many outcomes do I still need to pass? When will I get these done before Easter? Performance Unit – my mark out of 60. What am I aiming for now? What do I need to get in the final exam to achieve this grade? Revision – how much am I prepared to do between now and the exam? What resources can I use?
Today’s Task Answer a series of ‘mini’ questions relating to the four stages of the ‘Cycle of Analysis’. Investigate Analyse Develop Evaluate
Question 1 Write down one method used to collect data on the following sub-factors (you cannot use the same method twice): CRE Quality of skill execution Concentration Confidence Communication Team Dynamics Anxiety Anger
“I can identify any areas of development in my performance.” Question 2 Explain two reasons why it is important to collect data on your performance. State the reason: “I can identify any areas of development in my performance.” So what? Why will that benefit you? “This allows me to address the relevant area of development by planning an appropriate Personal Development Plan and subsequently improve this particular area of my performance.”
“I might only have a short period of time to collect all of my data.” Question 3 Explain two potential challenges you might face when collecting your data. State the challenge: “I might only have a short period of time to collect all of my data.” (ii) Explain what impact this has on you and/or your data: “I might not be able to collect enough data to draw valid conclusions from. This may give me inaccurate data when it comes to identifying my area(s) of development.”
Question 4 Explain HOW you would analyse the following types of data: Video Analysis (you’ve taken the footage…now what?) Sports Confidence Questionnaire (you’ve completed all of the questions…now what?) Skills Test (you’ve finished the skills test and got your score…now what?) (iv) Coach Feedback (your coach has watched you perform…now what?)
Question 5 Explain two reasons why it is important to receive regular and frequent feedback throughout your PDP. State your reason: “Frequent feedback will allow me to gauge how effective my PDP is in relation to my area of development and my training goals.” Explain the impact that has on you, your progress, your PDP and/or your performance: “This allows me to make any necessary changes to my PDP in order to increase the chances of reaching my training goals. These changes might be made in relation to the frequency, duration, intensity and/or type of training being used.”
Question 6 Explain one reason why having high levels of the following sub-factors is important throughout a PDP. Motivation (mental) Concentration (mental) (i) State the reason. (ii) Explain the impact this has on you, your progress, your PDP and/or your performance.
Question 7 Define the following Principles of Training (one sentence for each): Frequency Intensity Duration Progressive Overload Reversibility Tedium Variety
“Setting training goals will increase my motivation levels.” Question 8 Explain two reasons for setting training goals throughout a PDP. State your reason: “Setting training goals will increase my motivation levels.” (ii) Explain why this is beneficial to you: “This will increase the chances of me completing each session to the best of my ability. Subsequently, I should see more progress throughout my PDP.”
Question 9 What is a ‘model performer’? Explain two reasons for comparing your performance to a model performers. State your reason. Explain the impact this has on you and/or your performance.
Question 10 Explain two ways working in isolation could impact your progress throughout a PDP. State the effect: “Working in isolation throughout a PDP could cause my concentration levels to increase.” (ii) Explain the cause: “This would be because I would have no one else there who could potentially distract me when training.