Spelling Words (short vowels) Mrs. Evans’ Newsletter Third Grade Week of September 19 - 23 Upcoming Events A Peek at Our Week September 22- Parent Literacy Night- 6:00-7:30 September 26- Staff Dev.- No School! Reading: This week we will begin studying story structure. Story Structure is made up of character, plot, setting, problem, and solution of a story. Math: We will be studying addition next! We will practice fact fluency with timed quizzes and other games and apps to improve our knowledge. Writing: We will continue to practice the writing process. This week we will focus in on the first stage of the process: Prewriting! Science: We are still studying the types of rocks this week. Igneous, Metamorphic, and Sedimentary rocks are our focus. We will have a quiz on these at the end of the week. Social Studies: We will continue to study the 6 REGIONS of our great state! Handwriting: We will work on the cursive letters – l, e, and t Test and Quizzes Thurs/Friday – Science quiz on types of rocks S.S. quiz on Regions Thursday – Spelling Test Spelling Words (short vowels) crop plan thing smell shut sticky spent lunch pumpkin clock gift class skip swing Reminders Reading logs are due Monday morning! Please have them in your Yellow Folder to be checked! Our weekly goal is 100 minutes!