Presentation by Mr. Anderson Women in Julius Caesar Presentation by Mr. Anderson
In Julius Caesar women are presented as distractions and weak points to men in Roman society.
Where are the women?
Portia Portia, Brutus’s wife, is shown few times. She asks Brutus to share his serious thoughts, but Brutus views her as unable to deal with the reality of assassinating Caesar. “How weak a thing / The heart of woman is!”
Calpurnia Attempted to convince Caesar to stay home, when he was supposed to be given a crown. Caesar views her words as cowardly and reflecting poorly upon him.
Manly v Womanly Position Caesar towers over all others “like a Colossus.” Conspirators feel emasculated, as “we are governed with our mothers’ spirits. Our yoke and sufferance show us womanish.” The conspirators slay him and bring him to the ground to assert their manliness over him.
Critique of Caesar Male-centric view Ignores pacifying attempts from women Leads to death