Rome IV: What Has Changed?
Rome IV IBS Subtypes
IBS Pathophysiology
Rome IV: Functional Constipation
Epidemiology and Burden of IBS and CIC
Barriers to Patient Care
Recurrent Abdominal Pain With Disordered Bowel Habits
History and Physical Examination for Lower GI Symptoms
Alarm Features for Organic Disorders
Recurrent Abdominal Pain With Disordered Bowel Habits
Diagnostic Testing for Suspected IBS, by Subtype
Blood-Based Biomarker for IBS-D: Comparisons of Anti-CdtB and Anti-Vinculin Antibodies Between IBS and IBD, Celiac and Controls
Increased Colonic Bile Acid Exposure in IBS 75 SeHCAT Values -- Rome II Subgroups
Increased Bile Acid Synthesis in IBS-D
Recurrent Abdominal Pain With Disordered Bowel Habits
Diagnosis of IBS in Primary Care Positive Strategy = Strategy of Exclusion
Management of Patients With IBS
Graded Approach to Treatment of IBS
Dietary and Lifestyle Considerations
FODMAPs: Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, and Polyols
Fiber (Bulking) Therapy for IBS
Medical Therapy Considerations for IBS (Non-FDA Approved)
FDA-Approved Therapies for IBS
FDA-Approved Pharmacologic Options for CIC
Alosetron: FDA Indication
Prescribing Recommendations for Alosetron
Conclusions and Q&A
Abbreviations (cont)
Abbreviations (cont)