EETD Environmental Health and Safety Monthly Metrics October, 2013
EETD Accidents- 10/13 TypeDateDept.DescriptionSeverityStatus No EETD accidents reported in October
EETD Accidents- By Type
EETD Accidents- Severity Note: Two accidents in Nov 12 not considered OSHA reportable, but may be compensable
Emergency Incidents- 10/13 DateIncidentAreaStatus No EETD incidents reported in October
Ergonomic Assessments- By Month
Open EETD Ergonomic Assessments Date Requested Dept.TypeStatus 8/26/13DIVDiscomfortActions Pending
EETD Job Hazard Analysis (JHA)- Pending New Hire vs. Expired Metric Started Sep 13
Job Hazard Analysis- % Completion
EETD Incomplete Training Assignments * Does not include SEC0203 External Monitoring Notice
Training % Completion Status
Incomplete Training by Course Type (Total Incomplete Assignments = 92)
Incomplete Training Assignments (Total = 92) Open Assignments by Dept.Open Assignments by Hire Date
EETD Incomplete Training Assignments
SAA Overall Compliance
Cumulative SAA Issues (FY Q1 12 – Q1 14)
Safety Concerns Submittals- EETD
EETD Safety Concerns Status #DateConcernTypeStatus 6426/21/13Very loud in Some sort of issue with room ventilation EnvironmentOpen- Facilities Work Request 9249/12/13B90 lobby steps do not have code compliant hand rails and step tread surface slippery FireOpen- Fire Marshall determine old code 9259/12/13Bicycles improperly stored on Shuttle bus bike racks. Bike could fall off. TrafficOpen- Institutional 9269/18/13Near miss slip incident reported by employee walking on painted walk in B50 lot. Mud from street sweeper. Slip/TripOpen- Institutional 9279/20/13Near miss incident when subcontractor truck nearly hit employee using painted walk in B50 lot. TrafficOpen- Institutional 9299/26/13Vehicles parking on unmarked roadway near B90 loading dock. Fire truck access blocked. Extend red painted curb. TrafficOpen 9449/27/13Employee riding on bicycle on Chu Road near roundabout cut off road by passing flat bed truck. TrafficOpen- Institutional 96210/22/13Storage of old equipment in Building 70/70A breezeway. Could block egress in emergency. Fire SafetyOpen 96310/25/13Door stop in conference room could be activated from hallway and lock people inside room. Needs replace Building Maint.Open 10/31/13Trip hazard in Bevetron parking lot. Temporary fence footings jutting into pedestrian walkway near stairs. Slip Trip FallOpen- Institutional
Corrective Action Reports (CATS)- 10/13 CAT #DateDescriptionLeadStatus /27/13Remove orphan chemicals and samples from lab areas R. ScholtzCompleted /27/13Damaged cords and outlets in Building 90 S. SynarskiCompleted /27/13Daisy chaining of outlets strips in Building 90 S. SynarskiCompleted /27/13Lack of outlets/use of extension cords in B90. S. SynarskiCompleted /27/13Non-NRTL equipment in Building 90 R. ScholtzDue- 3/27/14. Self assessment findings.
Activity Hazard Documents (AHD)- 10/13 AHDDescriptionStatusLocationPI No AHD activity in October
Audits and Inspection Status- 10/13 TypeDateLeadStatus SAA quarterly inspection 10/29/13R. ScholtzCompleted
Significant Safety Achievements- 10/13 The 2014 EETD Self-Assessment Plan was completed. Developed division safety performance review guidelines. Completed Satellite Accumulation Area (SAA) inspections. Completed major old chemical sample clean-outs of the and lab areas. Cleaned out a number of old chemicals in Building New door hazard placards were posted at all Building 70 lab areas reflecting the new Building Manager and other updates. Assisted personnel in updating their JHAs and training to reflect new electrical safety requirements. An EETD Safety Committee meeting was held on 10/3/13.
Short Term Safety Outlook- 10/13 Assist with safety planning for the FLEXLAB start-up. Assist with safety planning for the battery testing facility location at the Richmond Field Station. Finalize work with Facilities on the noise issues in Implement a new electronic lab inspection form for easier monthly lab area inspection documentation. Start the Personal Protective Equipment self-assessment project. Assist with the continued lab moves in Buildings 62 and 70. Finalize the next old chemical pick-up by Waste Management. We have 400 containers waiting in lab areas.