CPE/CSC 580: Knowledge Management Dr. Franz J. Kurfess Computer Science Department Cal Poly
Course Overview Introduction Knowledge Processing Knowledge Acquisition, Representation and Manipulation Knowledge Organization Classification, Categorization Ontologies, Taxonomies, Thesauri Knowledge Retrieval Information Retrieval Knowledge Navigation Knowledge Presentation Knowledge Visualization Knowledge Exchange Knowledge Capture, Transfer, and Distribution Usage of Knowledge Access Patterns, User Feedback Knowledge Management Techniques Topic Maps, Agents Knowledge Management Tools Knowledge Management in Organizations
Overview Knowledge Management Tools Motivation Objectives Tools Requirements Knowledge Acquisition Knowledge Organization Knowledge Exchange Knowledge Presentation Knowledge Retrieval Capabilities Capture, Indexing, Search, Link Association, Graphs/Networks, Hierarchies, Collaboration, KM Tool Sets Subtopic 1.1 Subtopic 1.2 Tools for Specific KM Tasks Subtopic 2.1 Subtopic 2.2 Outlook Tools Subtopic 3.1 Subtopic 3.2 Important Concepts and Terms Chapter Summary
Logistics Introductions Course Materials Term Project textbook handouts Web page CourseInfo/Blackboard System and Alternatives Term Project Lab and Homework Assignments Exams Grading
KM Tools IHMC Concept Maps 80-20 Discovery Assistum Knowledge Structure Manager (KSM) Cokace Idea Processor
KM Tools study IT-Research http://www.it-research.net
Tools by Category Information Retrieval: Verity™, Connex™, Excalibur™, Eurospider™, Google™, Fulcrum™ Collaborative Filtering: Grapevine™ Intranet Portal: Intraspect™ , Open Text™ , Autonomy™, Ontoprise™ Groupware: Lotus Notes™, MS Exchange™ Document Management: PCDOCS™, InQuery™, Filenet™, Documentum™ Text Summarization: Prosum Database solutions: Wincite™, Dataware™, Agentware™ Experience Factories: at A.D.Little™, at Xerox™ Skill Management: Loga HRMS (P&I)™, proprietary solutions Semantic Nets-based: USU™, Knowledge Park™ Visualization: Inxight™, AIdministrator™ Knowledge Discovery: Clementine™, IBM™, SAS™ [Staab 2001]
KM Tools in Context Knowledge Discovery Tools (Maybury, WM 2001)
IHMC Concept Maps Template IHMC Concept Map Software Institute for Human and Machine Cognition, University of West Florida http://cmap.coginst.uwf.edu/ Purpose tools for the organization and representation of knowledge Components set of Java-based tools for the display and navigation of existing concept maps http-based server to host concept maps [Novak 2000]
Concept Maps Description features creation of concept maps browsing of existing concept maps Web browser enhanced with Java as user interface application examples Center for Mars Exploration, NASA weather forecasting in the Gulf Coast region distance learning [http://cmap.coginst.uwf.edu/]
Concept Maps Concept Map [http://cmap.coginst.uwf.edu/]
Concept Map Example [http://cmap.coginst.uwf.edu/]
Concept Map Example 2 [http://cmap.coginst.uwf.edu/]
Concept Maps Evaluation representation and organization of knowledge functionality browsing and construction of concept maps user interface Web browser with Java good aspects nice visualization, easy to browse limitations knowledge acquisition is very labor-intensive
80-20 Discovery Template Discovery 80-20, Author http:www.80-20.com/products/discovery enhanced search engine for internal data bases Components
80-20 Discovery Description features natural language query parsing web browser as interface diagrams screen shots application examples
80-20 Discovery Screen Shot [Screenshot and annotations by Chris Newman] [Discovery]
80-20 Discovery Evaluation main emphasis on retrieval of existing knowledge mainly from already existing data bases functionality creates an index of documents in specified storage areas provides access through natural language queries integration with outside systems tightly integrated with Microsoft products user interface web browser natural language queries performance seems to be rather sluggish, probably due to the NL input good aspects limitations
Assistum Template Products: Assistum Knowledge Tool Organization: Assistum.com http://www.assistum.com Purpose enables the user to create or modify knowledge bases to assist their decision-making Components Assistum Viewer Assistum Knowledge Editor [Assistum.com]
Assistum Description Assistum provides easy-to-use tools to create powerful fuzzy rule-based decision support systems it uses fuzzy logic to store and transform degree of truth variables and relationships demos are available on the Web at http://www.assistum.com/2000/demonstrations/javademo.html requires Java-capable browser [Assistum.com]
Assistum Example knowledge network about price increase [Assistum.com]
Assistum Example reasoning for price increase [Assistum.com]
Assistum Evaluation scope functionality integration user interface emphasis on knowledge representation fuzzy logic as inference method functionality editor for the creation and modification of knowledge bases viewer for the display of knowledge bases integration within the set with outside systems user interface GUI, Web browser with Java good aspects support for knowledge engineering tasks limitations mainly a tool for knowledge engineering [Assistum.com]
Knowledge Structure Manager (KSM) Name of the Tool Set Jose Cuena, Martin Molina, ISYS Intelligent Systems Research Group, Department of Artificial Intelligence, Polytechnic University, Madrid, Spain http://www.isys.dia.fi.upm.es/ksm/home.html Purpose a software environment that helps developers and end-users in the development and maintenance of large and complex knowledge-based applications Components analysis, design and implementation, maintenance
KSM Description goal background diagrams screen shots reduce the gap between the human understanding and the implementation of applications using knowledge models background intuitive modular approach with different levels of abstraction to cope with large knowledge bases influenced by the idea of generic tasks of Chandrasekaran and the knowledge level concept of Newell. includes also some ideas from other parallel approaches of knowledge engineering methodologies and tools such as KADS, PROTEGE-II and KREST diagrams screen shots application examples
KSM Knowledge Area View
KSM Hyperbolic View
KSM Task Perspective
Problem Formulation
KSM Evaluation scope functionality integration user interface within the set with outside systems user interface performance good aspects limitations seems to be most appropriate for AI knowledge engineering tasks, not so much for knowledge management
Cokace Cokace, WebCokace Olivier.Corby, INRIA, Sophia Antipolis, France http://www-sop.inria.fr/acacia/Cokace/cokace.html Purpose environment for the conceptual modelling language CML of the CommonKADS methodology Components
Cokace Description goal features diagrams screen shots to provide the knowledge engineer with structured edition, static validation and dynamic interpretation of CML expertise models features allows the knowledge engineer to simulate a reasoning on CML expertise models enables verification and evaluation of such expertise models before implementation of the final knowledge-based system diagrams screen shots application examples
Cokace Example ontology produced on-line by WebCokace labels are lost
Cokace Evaluation development tool for CommonKADS methodology functionality integration within the set with outside systems user interface Web-based (WebCokace) good aspects knowledge engineering support limitations mainly for knowledge engineering purposes
Idea Processor Idea Processor A-I-A Purpose Components http://www.a-I-a.com/englishHomePage/technologies.html Purpose new generation Computer Supported Cooperative Work technology composed of a user driven software system and a methodology, IdeaProcessing(™) Components
Idea Processor Description goal to facilitate idea and knowledge management and communication with a graphical and intuitive approach features permits simultaneous access by various individuals within a work group to diagram building which leads to concept formation joint effort promotes shared understanding and consensus facilitates the visualization of problems and their solutions it is an 'ideator' (an idea and strategies editor), a group ware, and a meta-CASE tool. [A-I-A 2001]
Idea Processor Example site map generated with Idea Processor technology [A-I-A Site Map]
Idea Processor Evaluation scope visualization of knowledge functionality idea and strategies editor group collaboration good aspects visual display of knowledge aspects limitations knowledge acquisition seems tedious
Tool Set Template Name of the Tool Set Organization, Author URL Purpose Components
Tool Set Description further details diagrams screen shots application examples
Tool Set Evaluation scope functionality integration user interface within the set with outside systems user interface performance good aspects limitations
Autonomy Template Name of the Tool Set Organization, Author URL Purpose Components
Tool Set Description further details diagrams screen shots application examples
Tool Set Evaluation scope functionality integration user interface within the set with outside systems user interface performance good aspects limitations
MindMap Template Name of the Tool Set Organization, Author URL Purpose Components
Tool Set Description further details diagrams screen shots application examples
Tool Set Evaluation scope functionality integration user interface within the set with outside systems user interface performance good aspects limitations
Verity Template Name of the Tool Set Organization, Author URL Purpose Components
Tool Set Description further details diagrams screen shots application examples
Tool Set Evaluation scope functionality integration user interface within the set with outside systems user interface performance good aspects limitations
Practicity Template Practicity Organization, Author URL web-based knowledge sharing environment Practicity web server, web browser as clients
Tool Set Description features diagrams screen shots captures interactions between users participating in a “community of practice” contents and contexts of interactions stores interactions in a cet\ntral knowledge base diagrams screen shots application examples
Tool Set Evaluation main emphasis on capturing of knowledge through interactions functionality knowledge capture, access dtSearch for text-based search integration within the set with outside systems user interface performance good aspects limitations
Groove Template Groove Groove Networks, Ray Ozzie (Lotus Notes developer) URL P2P groupware for direct interaction among users collaboration, communication, sharing information Components
Tool Set Description features diagrams screen shots shared spaces are used for storing and accessing knowledge users share spaces through accounts diagrams screen shots application examples
Tool Set Evaluation scope functionality integration user interface main emphasis on sharing of information functionality communication chatting, messages, discussion forums collaboration net meetings, outlines, drawing, coordination calender integration within the set with outside systems user interface performance good aspects limitations
References [Cuena & Molina 1996] Cuena J., Molina M.: "Building Knowledge Models Using KSM". Proc. of Knowledge Acquisition of Knowledge Based Systems Workshop, KAW96. Banff, Canada. 1996. [Novak 2000] Joseph D. Novak: “The Theory Underlying Concept Maps and How To Construct Them”, http://cmap.coginst.uwf.edu/info/. 1996. [Staab 2000] Steffen Staab: “Intelligente Techniken für das Wissensmanagement” Knowledge Management Tutorial, Wissensmanagement 2001 Conference, Baden-Baden, Germany, http://www.aisb.uni-karlsruhe.de/~sst.
Important Concepts and Terms natural language processing neural network predicate logic propositional logic rational agent rationality Turing test agent automated reasoning belief network cognitive science computer science hidden Markov model intelligence knowledge representation linguistics Lisp logic machine learning microworlds
Summary Chapter-Topic