Monday, November 15 2010 Silent Focus Listen: Michael Sandel’s Justice class as they discuss ownership of people, specifically babies. Write: Who owns a baby? Should you be able to order a baby to your specifications? Should you be able to sell your eggs or sperm to the highest bidder? In what ways is this different from a slave trade? Is it? Can human life ever be for sale? Explain.
Agenda Word Power Session 11 Conventions ML # 9- Homonyms Writing ML #4- Two Common Mistakes in Writing Reading ML #- Read aloud/ Study Guide Closing/ Homework/ E. C.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010 Silent Focus- Poetry Read: “The Boy Died in My Alley” by Gwendolyn Brooks Write: What is this poem about? What is the tone of the piece? Is there a lesson in this poem? What could it be? Borrow a line and write your own.
Agenda Word Power Session 11 Notes Conventions Practice Writing ML #4 Writing Project- Essay with an Attitude Closing/ Homework/ E.C.
Closing/ Homework Collect evidence for Essay with an Attitude Conventions Test- Wednesday Word Power Test- Thursday E.C.- Due Monday Essay with an Attitude- Rough- Friday - Final- Tuesday
Wednesday, November 17, 2010 Extended Silent Focus Read the Current Events magazine Answer the Skills Page questions (on separate paper) Write a summary paragraph on the main story. What’s the main idea? (Use the 5 Ws and/or the Somebody Wanted But So strategy) Write an opinion paragraph on the Debate Topic Answer the questions from the back of the magazine. E.C. Do the crossword Do your conventions test.
Thursday, November 18 Listen/ Read: The lyrics to Billie Holiday’s “God Bless the Child” Write: What is this song about? What do you think the theme or lesson could be? Do you like this song? Why or why not? Borrow a line and write your own.
Agenda Word Power Quiz Writing ML #4 – Part II- 2nd period only Writing Workshop- Conclusions Read aloud/ Study Guide Closing/ Homework/ E.C.
Introductions Anecdotal- Telling a story Start with Facts The Blunt Beginning- Can be used in timed test situations Myth-Blasting- (A commonly held belief, and then opposition to it) The Question- Has to be a complex one Start with a Quote Wake Up Call- A startling fact that will shock your reader
Conclusions End with an image Summing it Up Circle Back to the Beginning- (Especially if you use an anecdotal intro) Possible Solution Call-to-Action Any combination of these!
Essay With an Attitude Assignment: Write a persuasive essay which clearly states your opinion on a contemporary issue. Support your opinion using personal experience, anecdotes, statistics, evidence from your everyday life, novels, magazines, TV, movies, etc.
Must Have: Thesis Statement- (This is your point/ opinion that needs to be supported. Ex. The death penalty should be abolished because it causes more harm than good.) An introduction A conclusion A title that helps to intrigue the reader Evidence to support your thesis- personal experience, anecdotes, statistics/facts, examples from novels, magazines, TV
Closing/ Homework Rough Draft- Essay with an Attitude- Tuesday Final Exams- November 30 and December 1 Word Power Conventions