Letterland: Unit Twenty-One Mrs. Stone’s Class Classroom Newsletter March 6, 2016 Dates to Remember What Are We Learning? Mar. 6th – Day 2 (Spanish & Art) Mar. 7th – Day 3 (Music) Mar. 8th – Day 4 (Computers) $1.00 PJ Day for March of Dimes Mar. 9th – Day 1 (PE) Spring Pictures Mar. 10th – Day 2 (Spanish & Art) School Store Spirit Day: CCE Shirt ***March 15th is Early Release Day and school will be dismissed at 11:00 Read with Us I will be sending you a sign up in your email to see if anyone would like to come in and read to the class, like a Mystery Reader during the month of March. Practice Reading Be sure your child is reading every night for 15 minutes. Also, have them write their answer out to a mClasss question stem that goes along with the story they read. Letterland: Unit Twenty-One Students will learn about long a in ai and ay. These are two more pairs of the Vowel Men Out Walking. If you lose the word list, you can always go to our class webpage and print the list. Math – (1.MD.3a) I can orally tell time to the hour and half-hour by using a digital clock and analog clock. ELA – (1.RF.3g) I can identify and read words that don’t have spelling rules. (1.SL.1b) I can add to conversation by responding to the comments of others through multiple exchanges. (1.L.1e) I can use verbs to tell about past, present, and future. Science – (1.P.1.2) I can show the unseen force of magnets. I can demonstrate how magnets repel and attract each other. March Learner Profile: Risk-Taker Our students will approach uncertainty with forethought and determination; we work independently and cooperatively to explore new ideas and innovative strategies. We are resourceful and resilient in the face of challenges and change. Inquiry Cycle in Action During class time, we have daily discussions as a whole group about the 6 components of the inquiry cycle and it relates to our theme of the week and our central idea. Our 6 components are: What do I think I know? What is new to learn? How can I use my knowledge? How can I expand my thinking? How has my thinking changed? What can I do with my learning? The students really get into their learning and class discussions. They like to compare their responses with their classmates and find similarities and differences with their own experiences. Leprechaun Trap Family Project Information came home March 1st about this project. We look forward to seeing all your creativity. Projects are due NO LATER THAN Wednesday, March 15th! Mrs. Stephanie Stone Email address: stephanie_stone@iss.k12.nc.us Coddle Creek Elementary School Phone number: 704-439-4077 141 Frank’s Crossing Loop Mooresville, NC 28115 Website: http://iss.k12.nc.us/Domain/5624