IE 355: Quality & Applied Statistics I Bonus Points # 3 In teams of 4 people, go to the Project Office and perform a gage R & R study on the 7 parts. Half of the teams measured with the micrometer Half of the teams measured with the dial calipers Entire team works together to analyze the data – for the 4 Operators, estimate: σ2 total σ2 repeatability σ2 reproducability σ2 product P/T for gage, assuming USL – LSL = 0.005” 12/8/2018 IE 355: Quality & Applied Statistics I
IE 355: Quality & Applied Statistics I Bonus Points # 4 In teams of 4 people, go to the CIM Lab (CM 203) and set up a control chart strategy for the “pipe-bomb” machine. Dr. Jensen will demonstrate the system, each team operates afterward. The team will collect data using the scale, and track the data using the spreadsheet template, each control chart should have 30 samples. Entire team works together to collect and analyze the data for the system, and to create and interpret x – and R – charts. For the lab exercise, briefly report: What your control chart strategy is (what did you measure and why) Turn in print out of your trial control charts, and describe how the limits were developed For each control chart, use your Trial Control Limits* on all 30 sample points, and interpret each chart for control using the 4 Western Electric Rules: Convert your Trial Control Limit data to Standards Circle Western Electric Rule violations, and describe what they show 12/8/2018 IE 355: Quality & Applied Statistics I