The ADLAB project: An international audio description reception study Iwona Mazur Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan
Overview The ADLAB project Aim and methodology Results Conclusions/Discussion Acknowledgments
ADLAB project Three-year project (2011-2014) Financed by the European Union under the Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) Eight partners from six European countries: Italy, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Poland and Germany Coordinator: Christopher Taylor, Italy Aim: to produce sets of comprehensive audio description guidelines (valid across Europe) Eight work packages (WPs) WP3 – Testing (lead partner: Poland) WP3 aim: to test different AD solutions on a group of blind and visually-impaired respondents
AD issues Opening credits (naming actors with protagonists, AD authors) Text-on-screen Naming characters Gestures Filmic language/technique (lighting, camera movement, shots) Intertextual references Information sequencing and fragmentation Describing sounds Explicitation Narration vs. description
WP3: Methodology Materials: clip from Inglourious Basterds (Q.Tarantino 2009) with 2 ADs (one ‘literal’ - cf. literal or ST-oriented translation and one ‘narrative’ - cf. free or TT- oriented translation) questionnaire (34 questions: comprehension, preference; answers: multiple choice, Likert scale, open-ended) Procedure: respondents shown the clip and then interviewed individually Respondents: two groups of 12 VIPs each+ a control group of approx. 12 (per country)
Data Germany: 14 VIPs, 10 controls Belgium: 13 VIPs, 16 controls Italy: 11 VIPs, 12 controls Portugal: 12 VIPs, 12 controls Poland: 12 VIPs, 12 controls Spain – 18 VIPs, 15 controls TOTAL: 80 VIPs, 77 controls
Gender Female Male VIP 47.5% 52.5% CNT 65% 35% Total 56% 44%
Age VIPs CNT a) 18-24 9% b) 25-34 25% c) 35-44 10% d) 45-54 25% e) 55-64 15% f) 65-74 13% g) 75+ 4% a) 18-24 34% b) 25-34 38% d) 45-54 17% e) 55-64 1% f) 65-74 g) 75+
Education VIPs CNT a) primary 4% b) vocational 21% c) secondary 16% d) college/university student 4% e) university degree 55% a) primary b) vocational 5% c) secondary 5% d) college/university student 39% e) university degree 51%
Type of visual impairment blind 63% (31% of them congenitally blind) partially sighted 38%
Gestures (1/3)
Gestures (2/3) AD1 AD2 10:11:29 ‘ages of the children’ (breathing) Landa looks at him and moves his hand and head. Landa looks at him and gestures ‘more or less’.
Gestures (3/3) Show the gesture Landa makes. A: 12% correct (gesture described) B: 30% correct (gesture named) What is meant by the gesture? A: 20% correct Cnt: 50% correct
Filmic language (1/6)
Filmic language (2/6) AD1 AD2 10:11:37 ‘nine or ten’ Fast: Landa writes ‘nine or ten’ next to ‘Amos’. [no AD]
Filmic language (3/6) How old is one of the missing Jews Amos? A: 63% correct (close-up described in AD-A) B: 76% correct cnt: 99% correct Information overload?
Filmic language (4/6)
Filmic language (5/6) AD1 AD2 10:18:46 ‘line from dialogue’ His black boots walk over the hideout area to the door. 10:03:49 ‘wie wünschen Sie, Herr Oberst’ Landa, in a gray coat and black boots, crosses the meadow.
Filmic language (6/6) What colour are Landa’s boots? A: 44% correct (close-up described in AD-A) B: 16% correct cnt: 63% correct
Intertextual reference (1/3)
Intertextual reference (2/3) AD1 AD2 10:16:14 ‘make yourself at home’ Quickly Landa takes out an enormous, saxophone shaped pipe. Quickly Landa takes out a “Sherlock-Holmes- Style”-Calabash.
Intertextual reference (3/3) Did the following description of Landa’s pipe help you visualize it? (Likert 1- definitely not, 5 – definitely yes) A (an enormous, saxophone shaped pipe): 4.1 B: (Sherlock-Holmes-Style”-Calabash): 2.1 Cnt: Did you associate Landa’s pipe with the one smoked by Sherlock Holmes? a) yes 13% Preference question: A: saxophone – 79% B: saxophone – 62%
Conclusions/Discussion (1/2) Gestures – naming better than describing Filmic language – partially yes (information overload) Intertextual references – not helpful in this case Memory/concentration as confounding variables (but recognition vs. recall questions to offset their impact, same condition for all groups) Preference questions – audio books and AD exposure influence expectations Reception studies? (different factors) Applicability to guidelines?
Conclusions/Discussion (2/2) AD = translation AD strategies (on the domestication- foreignization continuum) A functional approach: text type, audience design, etc. ADLAB – guidelines in the form of strategies JewsA with filmic language
Acknowledgements Belgium: Aline Remael, Nina Reviers, Gert Vercauteren, Erik de Snerck, Ludo Schats, Dries Maes, De Markgrave, samenwerkende voorziening voor blinden en slechtzienden (, VeBeS, De vereniging van Blinden en slechtzienden Licht en Liefde vzw ( Germany: Haide Völz, Bernd Benecke, Lothar Völz, Gabi Altenbach, Birgit Roberts, Diana Gaul, Friedrich Schloffer, Katja Schild Italy: Elisa Perego, Christopher Taylor, Selene Sordo, Guido Bettagli Poland: Agnieszka Chmiel, Bartosz Zakrzewski Portugal: Josélia Neves, Manuela Francisco Spain: Anna Maszerowska, Pilar Orero, Anna Matamala