The N tional Dog Training Academy Role of a Dog Training Instructor The N tional Dog Training Academy
Dog Training Instructor The term Dog Training Instructor has been taken from, Pet Education, Training & Behaviour Council. This term has been followed through with the National Occupational Standards. The following slide will define the difference between a Dog Training Instructor and a Dog Trainer.
The Role of a Dog Training Instructor Dog Trainer The emphasis on the dog trainer is one of training the dog rather than training the dog owner. Dog Training Instructor The emphasis on the Dog Training Instructor is one of training the owner to train the dog rather than training the dog. Both roles require similar skills, but to be a dog training instructor (DTI) there is a much bigger emphasis on the need for people skills as you will be working much more closely with people on a regular basis.
National Occupational Standards National Occupational Standards (NOS) specify UK standards of performance that people are expected to achieve in their work, and the knowledge and skills they need to perform effectively. NOS, which are approved by UK government regulators, are available for almost every role in every sector in the UK. Retrieved from,
The Need for NOS in Dog Training Since 2008 the Government, through LANTRA, established the need for NOS for all people working in the dog training industry. Working with key groups in the industry, including the Kennel Club the NOS for Dog Training Instructors was born. The NOS were approved in 2014 & are due for review in 2019. The National Occupational Standards can be found here. We will look at an overview of the standards but I suggest you download the full copy & read them through.
Some Key Responsibilities from the NOS Promote responsible dog ownership Promote the safety of humans and dogs through education To keep up to date with changing ideas To promote good health care To gain basic dog first aid – human first aid Keep up to date with Dog Law To report any ill treatment or abuse or dangerous situations Not to give advice on matters beyond own knowledge and experience To give clear, precise instruction by demonstration if necessary To develop (and amend accordingly), lesson plans To ensure legal and safety requirements are in place for teaching To manage people effectively To be a good communicator both verbally & written word Support handlers in the development of a well rounded dog
Key Things you Need to Know About Common ailments/diseases/zoonotics (a disease that can be spread between animals and humans) Anatomy & Physiology Neutering Vaccination Kennel cough Grass seeds, Ticks Toxins Basic understanding of dog food Dog first aid course Dog law Animal Welfare Act 2006 12. The Code of Practice for the Welfare of Dogs drawn up by DEFRA - (Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs)
Keeping informed & up-to-date Reading/Research The Kennel Club have a good reference on dog law Read the books on your reading list Dog Star Daily have some good articles & free downloads Attend appropriate training days Keep an eye out for what’s happening, Dog & Bone is a good start Trevor Cooper is a good person to hear speak about dog law Google Dog First Aid and see what’s happening in your area Complete follow on courses at The National Dog Training Academy Keep within your limits & boundaries Be sure your information is accurate & up-to-date Give factual information but do not advise on aspects outside of your expertise