EOG Information for Parents Altamahaw-Ossipee Elementary 2018
Test Plan May 30– Math EOG May 31 – Reading EOG June 1 – Read to Achieve Test (for students who have not met a proficiency pathway)
Testing Times Testing begins between 8:15-8:30 am No one can enter the testing rooms after the tests have begun. Late students will have to wait in the office until testing is finished and take the test on a make-up day.
Changes for Testing Days No interruptions are allowed in any testing room NO CELL PHONES or any other electronic devices are allowed in testing rooms! If your child has one, keep it at home on testing days.
Absences Please do not send your child to school on a testing day if he/she does not feel well. If a child is absent on a testing day, they will take the missed test on June 2
Other Information School personnel and volunteer proctors are not allowed to disclose or discuss contents of EOG tests! Please do not ask them about the questions on the test.
EOG Reading Test 52 Multiple Choice Questions with 4 answer choices Reading Texts: -Literature – stories and poems -Informational – scientific, historical, economic, technical Passages of various lengths
PRIORITIZATION OF STANDARDS Literature : 32-37% Informational: 41-45% Language: 20-24%
EOG Math Test 54 Questions with 4 answer choices Calculator inactive Calculator Active
Prioritization of Standards http://www.ncpublicschools.org/docs/acre/assessment/math.pdf
Where can I find more information? http://www.ncpublicschools.org/accountability/testing/technicalnotes You will find general information and new released test items for math and reading
Student Scores Achievement Level Scores (Level I-V) approved by the State Board of Education will be sent home at the end of the year. Parent Reports provided by the State will be sent home when they become available.
Recognizing Stress in Children ~Children may display stress very differently than an adult does. Often children’s stress is internalized and is most noticeable in physical symptoms, such as frequent flu-like symptoms including headache, stomachache, and even nausea, or behavioral symptoms, like listlessness or acting out.
Helping Kids Manage Stress Children primarily learn by example Eat Healthy Vigorous Exercise Clear and consistent rules and discipline Be a good listener Realistic expectations
Stress Relieving Games Card Games Rubik’s Cube Slinky Punch Balls Velcro Darts Puzzle Books
Stress Relieving Exercises Blow it off Get up and stretch Take a fast walk Squeeze a rubber ball Relaxation (yoga) Dance
Tips to Prepare for Test Days Encourage your child to use the test taking tips the teachers have shared. 2. Make sure your child gets a good night’s sleep. 3. Provide them with a healthy breakfast. 4. Talk with them about any anxieties they may be experiencing. 5. Make sure they arrive at school on time. Tests will begin around 8:30am. Do not schedule any appointments for the days of the tests. Testing can last until after 1:30 in some situations. Smile and give your child a hug! Remind them of the EOG preparation that they have had at home and at school.
Field Day Mini Relay for Life April 20, 2018 Please join us all day for our annual Field Day. It will run from 8:30 to 1:30. We need your help right now with our walking track. Please take home a poster from the back of the classroom you are in and decorate it in Honor or in Memory of someone with Cancer. You may use pictures, inspirational words, etc. We are asking for a $2 donation for our Relay for Life team for the poster. Donations can be left with your child’s teacher.
Examples of Posters