American Government and Organization PS1301 Monday, 8 September
Review: Does the republic need reforming? Low turnout Citizen dissatisfaction (in comparative perspective) Failure to achieve electoral majorities - Loss of mandate Lack of competitive elections – mostly congressional level Crisis events – 2000 election and 1998 Clinton impeachment
Loss of Electoral Majorities – U.S. Presidential Elections Popular Vote Electoral Votes (%) Electoral Votes Year Dem Rep Total 1984 40.6 58.8 99.4 2.4 97.6 13 525 1988 45.6 53.4 99.0 20.7 79.3 111 426 1992 43.2 37.7 80.9 68.8 31.2 370 168 1996 49.2 40.7 89.9 70.4 29.6 379 159 2000 48.4 47.9 96.3 49.5 50.5 266 271
Constitutional Crisis 1998 Impeachment of Bill Clinton Republican House majority elected with 48.9% nearly toppled a popular president over a matter most Americans found trivial. 2000 Presidential Election Presidency placed in the hands of party that received fewer votes.
Political Attitudes Rising Distrust in Federal Government Lack of Influence Attitudes about Representation
Reasons for Distrust Major reason Minor Government leaders tell us what they think will get them elected, not what they really believe 80 14 The federal government is inefficient and wastes time 73 18 There is too much bickering between political parties 68 20 Special interests have too much influence on the federal government 65 24 Elected officials lack honesty and integrity 64 25 Federal taxes are too high 57 26 The federal government doesn’t do enough to help people who really need it 56 27 People in government don’t have high moral values 49 33 Federal government policies don’t reflect your own beliefs and values 42 40 The federal government interferes too much in people’s lives 37 The problems it focuses on cannot be solved by the federal government 39
Lack of Influence (Efficacy)
Political Responsiveness
Attitudes about Congress
Lack of Influence?
Lack of Influence?
Solutions Reforms that provide citizens with greater influence Examples?