Evaluation of Population and Housing Census of 2004 in Tunisia Nadia Touihri Statisticien Engineer Workshop on the 2010 World Programme on Population and Housing Censuses; Census Evaluation and Post Enumeration Amman – Jordan 21- 24 November 2010
Plan Introduction Exhaustivity and Pre Enumeration step Exhaustivity and Enumeration step Exhaustivity and Post Enumeration step Learned lessons
Introduction Tunisian Census History 1921: First Census 1926, 1931, 1936 1946, 1956, 1966, 1975, 1984, 1994 2004: Last Census 2014: Next Census
Introduction Legal base of Census Tunisian NIS is the first administrative and technical responsble of Census. Governemental authority fixed the date of reference (28 april 2004) and made a decret to create national and regional commissions in order to follow different census operations.
Introduction The System of 2004 Census: three steps; Pre Enumeration ( 6 months before census with supervisors ; duration :about 4 months and a half) Enumeration ( data collection ) Post Enumeration including data exploitation and results diffusion.
Exhaustivity and Pre Enumeration step ( oct 2003 – janv 2004 ) Supervisors divided Tunisian Territory in geographic Areas well limited on field ( 31734 districts ), each district contain about 70 household. This repartition helped to : Prepare and facilitate enumerators work ( district document prepared by supervisors is considered as a guideline for enumerator ) Prepare means of control for enumeration step
Exhaustivity and Enumeration Step ( Avril 2004 ) (CNTD) Enumerators deal with recapitulation statistics: Number of localities Number of housing Number of household Present resident population by gender. Absent resident population by gender Visitors by gender
Exhaustivity and Enumeration Step ( Avril 2004 ) (CNTD) Manual Data Control of district documents with data of reference documents ( documents of pre enumeration). Return on the field to verify omissions and complete housing and household missed
Exhaustivity and Post Enumeration Step ( Avril 2004 ) (CNTD) Supervision and verification of control operation after computing data of reference and districts documents we returned on field when it was necessary Besides of the comparaison with statistics of: Previous census Labor force survey Administrative statistics ( education, housing,….)
Learned Lessons Rare cases of omissions was in urbain places and was corrected by control agents . Another small differences existed between the two steps was a result of pre - interview methodology : supervisor made a rapid pre – interview by asking light questions (Number of housing, Number of household in the housing) without insisting on technical concepts fixed by NIS.