Glen Canyon Dam Determining Best Management Practices
Glen Canyon Dam Location Source:
Glen Canyon Dam Determining Best Management Practices Flow Sedimentation Temperature
Flow Fluctuation Statistical Summary Pre-Dam Post-Dam Flows Frequency Pre-Dam Post-Dam Flows Frequency Mean Daily Flows >30,000 18% > 30,000 3% Daily Fluctuation 12-16,000 cfs Spring Flows >100,000 cfs Summer- Winter Flows < 3,000cfs Low Flows < 5,000 cfs 16% 10% Temp Degrees F 40-80 46 Flow Statistics Source:
Sedimentation Trapped Sediment Decrease Storage Capacity Concentrates Toxic Compounds Lack of Floods Channels Are not Scoured Beaches are Not Replenished
Controlled Flood 45,000 cubic feet per second (cfs) from March 26 to April 2, 1996 Pre 1996 flood Source: USBR Post 1996 flood Source: USBR
Sedimentation Controlled Floods Satellite Imagery and Aerial Photography to map Habitat Compare Habitat to Species Vitality
Hydraulic Model Base Combine Bathymetry and DEM
Temperature Temperature Averages 46yF Year Round Non-native Species Flourish Native Species Diminish
Future Work Research data on sand bar formation Map pre/post temperature data for monitoring points Map pre/post WQ data Goal: Find relationship between these data and the general health of the eco system and vitality of natural species to maximize operational beinfits and minimize ecological impacts.
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