LHC SPS PS Impedance working group update 3rd July 2013 HL-LHC:


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Presentation transcript:

LHC SPS PS Impedance working group update 3rd July 2013 HL-LHC: 2 newcomers: Andrea Passsarelli (technical student on UA9 simulations and measurements), Berengere Luthi (Summer student on ALFA simulations). First checks by Nicolo for transverse impedance of mode matching  very promising. Ongoing measurements on BSRT, enamel flanges, ALFA, MKI and TCTP (starting this morning). Many thanks to Andrea Mostacci for his help and tutoring! Need to focus on SPS wire scanners, TCTP heat load and LHC BGV. HL-LHC: Talk by Nicolas on impedance of new HL-LHC triplets on July 2nd. Assess beam induced heating for HL-LHC parameters for end of Summer. Forward detectors are not part of the baseline for HL-LHC era. LHC LTEX review for ALFA and TOTEM on July 11th. Moving pipe option is not part of ATLAS baseline. 2 non-conformities found in LHC interconnections: RF contacts sticking in the beam pipe. We are asked to say whether they should be repaired. SPS SPS wirescanner design impedance significantly higher than current wirescanner (even with proposal of Heiko-Hannes and ferrites). Talk foreseen at SPSU next week to gather information and discuss limitations. PS Plans for impedance model of the PS (kicker types B and C for Elena, Septa for Benoit, pretty much everything else for Mauro) in view of TDR in August.