Improving learning for all students PART 2: THE CORE Improving learning for all students Student Engagement Relationships
AS YOU READ - THINK ABOUT Part 2: The Core ON YOUR OWN AS YOU READ - THINK ABOUT Read pages 3 & 4 of document (5minutes) What doesn’t belong? What should be added? Is personalization in the right spot? How might Inclusion fit in this model?
Part 2: The Core WITH YOUR TABLE GROUP ~ DATA DUMP Select a timer…. Person #1 talks for 1 minute about their thoughts from page 3 No one else gets to talk… At the end of 1 minute, Person #2 shares their thoughts for 1 minute… Repeat until everyone has had a turn…remember…no blurting Once everyone has had a turn, an open conversation begins Listen for themes The person who drove the furthest records the commonalities on the sheet provided Get someone at your table who will be the timer….
Part 2: The Core GROUP DEBRIEF When you look at what you have written on your feedback sheet, is there anything you want me know that I might not understand by reading….