Analyse du Voice Onset Time avec VOCALAB Etienne SICARD Professeur INSA Toulouse Mai 2017
Définition Duration of time between the opening of the lips (a,a’) and the regular striations representing the vocal fold vibrations (b, b’) Voice onset time in aphasia, apraxia of speech and dysarthria: a review, P Auzou, - Clinical Linguistics 2000
Références Voice onset time in aphasia, apraxia of speech and dysarthria: a review, P Auzou, - Clinical Linguistics 2000
VOT in Dysartria /p/t/k/ Voice onset time in aphasia, apraxia of speech and dysarthria: a review, P Auzou, - Clinical Linguistics 2000
/t/ou/ /ou/ /t/ VOT 40ms faster than reference (60ms) TTT001 – LEC
/t/an/ /an/ /t/ TTT002 – LEC
VOT in Dysarthria – PD/PSP/MSA voiceless plosive /t/ voiced plosive /d/ HC = Normal Tykalova, T., Rusz, J.,(2017). Distinct patterns of imprecise consonant articulation among Parkinson’s disease, progressive supranuclear palsy and multiple system atrophy. Brain and language, 165, 1-9. PD = Idiomatic Parkinson PSP = progressive supranuclear palsy MSA= multiple system atrophy
VOT in Dysarthria – PD/PSP/MSA voiceless plosive /t/ Tykalova, T., Rusz, J.,(2017). Distinct patterns of imprecise consonant articulation among Parkinson’s disease, progressive supranuclear palsy and multiple system atrophy. Brain and language, 165, 1-9. voiced plosive /d/ Voiceless plosive VOT more prolonged in both PSP and MSA compared to PD (greater severity of dysarthria and slower articulation) Voiced plosive VOT significantly shorter only in MSA (damage to cerebellar structures)
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