French Revolution Section 2
Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen Signed in August of 1789, this document guaranteed EQUALITY for all French citizens and PROTECTION of their personal PROPERTY (reflects ideas from the U.S. DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE and the ENGLISH BILL OF RIGHTS)
Civil Constitution of the Clergy The National Assembly took over control of the Catholic Church in France (as a way to make money) The Assembly did away with the TITHE, and also SOLD much of the Church’s land throughout Europe – worth lots of $$$$$$
Constitution of 1791 – FINALLY!!!! Limited Monarchy 2) Separation of Powers (including Checks & Balances) 3) Division of France into 83 “departments” **The division between the Three Estates is officially GONE!! The only problem was…..very few people were happy or satisfied with the new Constitution….
Louis XVI and his family actually TRIED to become emigres themselves. Emigres: political exiles (mostly former nobles) who fled France and sought to plot against the Revolution from abroad Louis XVI and his family actually TRIED to become emigres themselves. They were captured while trying to escape, thus proving that the king was NEVER SUPPORTIVE OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY nor the Revolution (it also proves that Louis XVI cannot be trusted!)
Louis and his family were then kept under “house arrest” and guarded closely while at the Tuileries Palace in Paris.
Radicals Moderates Conservatives The new Constitution goes into effect, and elections are held within all 83 of France’s newly-created departments. In October of 1791 the new “LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY” convenes for the first time in Paris…… Radicals The seating arrangements in the meeting hall reflected the representatives’ political views – this is important because it’s where the terminology we use today originated! Moderates Conservatives
The CONSERVATIVES wanted NO MORE CHANGE The CONSERVATIVES wanted NO MORE CHANGE!! They would like to have turned the clock BACK (a limited monarchy was as far as they wanted to go!) The RADICALS sat on the LEFT side of the room. They wanted MORE DRASTIC CHANGES (they wanted no more king, but instead a REPUBLIC like in America. *The JACOBINS were one of the leading radical groups! The MODERATES sat in the CENTER of the room. They weren’t opposed to further change, but thought it should be SLOW and GRADUAL.
Maximilian Robespierre was one of the leading JACOBINS who sat on the LEFT side of the meeting hall.
Meanwhile, amidst all of these internal changes, France goes to war against two of it’s enemies – Austria and Prussia. Things get chaotic because it’s like France is fighting TWO WARS at once (one internal, and one against foreign enemies)
The monarchy is officially abolished and the king is arrested….. The LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY is quickly abolished and the radicals call for a NEW Constitution - they want a REPUBLIC!! The monarchy is officially abolished and the king is arrested….. By August of 1792, the RADICALS have gained enough political power to take over control of the whole government.
The FRENCH REVOLUTION now enters it’s MOST VIOLENT phase….. In January 1793, King Louis XVI is executed by way of the GUILLOTINE.
A new “battle cry” is adopted by the Revolutionaries….. “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity!!!” La Marseilles is the newly-written patriotic song that represents the Revolution. The TRI-COLOR becomes the national symbol of the Revolution.
Monarchs in the countries that surround France are AFRAID!! Remember: REVOLUTION is like a disease – it’s contagious – and can spread rapidly across the border from one country to another! Soon, three more countries will join in the fighting against France: Great Britain, Spain & the Netherlands (Austria & Prussia were already at war with France)
By way of the new radical Constitution, a committee is formed to rule France…’s called The Committee of Public Safety (made up of 12 men) The head of this committee will be none other than Maximilian Robespierre
The REIGN OF TERROR (July 1793 – July 1794) In an attempt to WIPE OUT all opposition to the Revolution, as well as his own personal enemies, Robespierre’s “witch-hunt” results in the deaths of somewhere between 20,000 and 40,000 people.
Robespierre, himself, becomes a victim of the GUILLOTINE. The REIGN OF TERROR finally ends when many of his fellow committee members turn on Robespierre, finally realizing that he’s NOT mentally stable. Robespierre, himself, becomes a victim of the GUILLOTINE.
With Robespierre gone, and the REIGN OF TERROR over, a more moderate faction takes over control of France’s government…. Another new Constitution is written (the 3rd one in four years). This Constitution calls for the creation of a DIRECTORY (a 5-man council) to rule France.
The DIRECTORY (1795-1799) *corrupt French businessmen (with NO political experience) *brought PEACE & STABILITY to a war-torn nation *chose NAPOLEON BONAPARTE to head the French army
The End