Last Day on Jackson’s Presidency Pp 1/19/16 Last Day on Jackson’s Presidency
FOA 1/19/16 Nullify- make legally null and void (cancel out) Nullification- the act of cancelling something Secede- to withdraw formally from membership in a federal union Secession- the action of withdrawing formally from membership of a federation or body, especially a political state Use each of the following words in a sentence that you create. 4 words = 4 separate sentences!
History versus Andrew Jackson
History versus Andrew Jackson What do YOU think? Hero or Villian? Maybe somewhere in between? What topics from the video did you recognize that we have talked about before? Was he a man of the people?
Key Issues of Jackson’s Presidency Key Issues: Corrupt Bargain, Spoils System, Indian Removal Act, Nullification Crisis, Fighting the Bank In your groups you will read your article, write a 1 paragraph summary of the issue(or bullet points), and then share your summary with the class. Each group needs a READER, a WRITER, and a PRESENTER READER = reads the article to your group mates out loud (group mates following along during reading) WRITER = writes down the summary of the article with the help and input of all members PRESENTER = Stands up and shares with the class the summary your group completed
Finish Homework: Read 330-335 and answer questions 1-4 on page 335. Extra Time Finish Homework: Read 330-335 and answer questions 1-4 on page 335. Turn in to Mr. Dayton
FOA 1/19/16 3 minutes to free write: Anything and everything you know about Mansa Musa, his journey, his empire, etc.
Ibn Battuta Went on a hajj (or pilgrimage) similar to Mansa Musa We will look at his journey and travels across Africa today!
Ibn Battuta – Pick one of the two options Post Card- Pretend you are Ibn Battuta or that you are traveling with him. Send a post card back home to Tangier (Morocco)- Ibn Battuta’s home. To make a postcard, you should draw a picture and under the picture you can write your information. Information could be: Means of transportation (horse or donkey, camel caravan, ship) Distances traveled and how long trip has taken Weather or climate Unusual sights or dangers along the way Description of the picture in your Post Card Other personal or cultural information Travel Brochure- Prepare a one-page brochure to advertise travel to one of the places visited by Ibn Battuta. Information could be: What would attract tourists Things to see Local climate so tourists know what to pack Descriptions of local people and customs Maybe a map Foods that are available, or not available Any warnings a tourist might need to know about