IMT-2020 Process Presentation to the IEEE 5G group (24 June 2016) ec-16-0097-00-5GSG IMT-2020 Process Presentation to the IEEE 5G group (24 June 2016) Summarizing the status following the 24th meeting of ITU-R Working Party 5D (Geneva, 14-22 June 2016) José Costa (
Outline Background: Previous reports Summary of WRC-15 results Resolution ITU-R 65: Principles for the process ITU-R Circular Letter 5/LCCE/59: Invitation for proposals and their evaluation Submission, evaluation process and consensus building for IMT-2020 – Addendum to Circular Letter 5/LCCE/59 Draft new Report ITU-R M.[IMT-2020.TECH PERF REQ] Draft new Report ITU-R M.[IMT-2020.SUBMISSION] Draft new Report ITU-R M.[IMT-2020.EVAL] Other information: Update of the processes for IMT-2000 and IMT-Advanced
Background: Previous reports
WRC-15 agenda items 1.1 (IMT) and 1.2 (Region 1) Summary of WRC-15 results: the following radio frequency bands / ranges were newly identified for International Mobile Telecommunication (IMT) to various degrees in countries. Frequency bands / ranges Remarks 470 – 694 / 698 MHz (600 MHz) 694 – 790 MHz (700 MHz) 1427 – 1518 MHz (L-band) 3300 – 3400 MHz 3400 – 3600 MHz (C-band) 3600 – 3700 MHz (C-band) 4800 – 4990 MHz In parts, in some countries in Americas, and in Asia-Pacific. Global band, now also in Region 1, a result out of WRC-12 decisions. Global band, in most countries. Global band, in many countries, not in Europe / North America. Global band, now in most countries, already allocated in Europe. Global band, in many countries, not in Africa / some in Asia-Pacific. Some few countries in Asia-Pacific and Uruguay.
All bands identified for IMT in the ITU RR Band (MHz) Footnotes identifying the band for IMT 450-470 5.286AA 470-698 MHz 5.295, 5.296A, 5.308A 698-960 5.313A, 5.317A 1 427-1 518 MHz 5.341A, 5.341B. 5.341C, 5.346, 5.346A 1 710-2 025 5.384A, 5.388 2 110-2 200 5.388 2 300-2 400 5.384A 2 500-2 690 3 300-3 400 MHz 5.429B, 5.429D, 5.429F 3 400-3 600 5.430A, 5.431B, 5.432A, 5.432B, 5.433A 3 600-3 700 MHz 5.434 4 800-4 990 MHz 5.441A , 5.441B
WRC-19 agenda item 1.13 to consider identification of frequency bands for the future development of International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT), including possible additional allocations to the mobile service on a primary basis, in accordance with: Resolution 238 (WRC‑15) … to conduct and complete in time for WRC‑19 the appropriate sharing and compatibility studies, taking into account the protection of services to which the band is allocated on a primary basis, for the frequency bands: 24.25-27.5 GHz, 37-40.5 GHz, 42.5-43.5 GHz, 45.5-47 GHz, 47.2-50.2 GHz, 50.4-52.6 GHz, 66-76 GHz and 81-86 GHz, which have allocations to the mobile service on a primary basis; and 31.8-33.4 GHz, 40.5-42.5 GHz and 47-47.2 GHz, which may require additional allocations to the mobile service on a primary basis.
Another relevant agenda item: WRC-19 agenda item 1.16 to consider issues related to wireless access systems, including radio local area networks (WAS/RLAN), in the frequency bands between 5 150 MHz and 5 925 MHz, and take the appropriate regulatory actions, including additional spectrum allocations to the mobile service, in accordance with: Resolution 239 (WRC‑15) “Studies concerning Wireless Access Systems including radio local area networks in the frequency bands between 5 150 MHz and 5 925 MHz”
Resolution 239 (WRC-15) – resolves … a) to study WAS/RLAN technical characteristics and operational requirements in the 5 GHz frequency range; b) to conduct studies with a view to identify potential WAS/RLAN mitigation techniques to facilitate sharing with incumbent systems in the frequency bands 5 150 – 5 350 MHz, 5 350 – 5 470 MHz, 5 725 – 5 850 MHz and 5 850 – 5 925 MHz, while ensuring the protection of incumbent services including their current – and planned use; c) to perform sharing and compatibility studies between WAS/RLAN applications and incumbent services in the frequency band 5 150 – 5 350 MHz with the possibility of enabling outdoor WAS/RLAN operations including possible associated conditions; d) to conduct further sharing and compatibility studies between WAS/RLAN applications and incumbent services addressing: i) whether any additional mitigation techniques in the frequency band 5 350 – 5 470 MHz beyond those analyzed in the studies referred to in recognizing a) would provide coexistence between WAS/RLAN systems and EESS (active) and SRS (active) systems; ii) whether any mitigation techniques in the frequency band 5 350 – 5 470 MHz would provide compatibility between WAS/RLAN systems and radio determination systems; iii) whether the results of studies under points i) and ii) would enable an allocation of the frequency band 5 350 – 5 470 MHz to the mobile service with a view to accommodating WAS/RLAN use; e) to also conduct detailed sharing and compatibility studies, including mitigation techniques, between WAS/RLAN and incumbent services in the frequency band 5 725 – 5 850 MHz with a view to enabling a mobile service allocation to accommodate WAS/RLAN use; f) to also conduct detailed sharing and compatibility studies, including mitigation techniques, between WAS/RLAN and incumbent services in the frequency band 5 850 – 5 925 MHz with a view to accommodating WAS/RLAN use under the existing primary mobile service allocation while not imposing any additional constraints on the existing services,
Submission, evaluation process and consensus building for IMT-2020 IMT-2020 submission and evaluation process Time schedule Process
Schedule for the development of IMT-2020 radio interface Recommendations
IMT-2020 terrestrial component radio interface development process
Draft new Report ITU-R M.[IMT-2020.TECH PERF REQ] Minimum Requirements related to technical performance for IMT-2020 radio interface(s): Peak data rate Peak spectral efficiency User experienced data rate 5th percentile user spectral efficiency Average spectral efficiency Area traffic capacity Latency Connection density Energy efficiency Reliability Mobility interruption time Bandwidth Planned completion: WP 5D Meeting No. 26 (February, 2017)
Draft new Report ITU-R M.[IMT-2020.SUBMISSION] Requirements, evaluation criteria and submission templates for the development of IMT-2020. This ITU-R Report will address the requirements, evaluation criteria, as well as submission templates required for a complete submission of candidate radio interface technologies (RITs) and candidate sets of radio interface technologies (SRITs) for IMT-2020. Planned completion: WP 5D Meeting No. 27 (June 2017).
Draft new Report ITU-R M.[IMT-2020.EVAL] Guidelines for evaluation of radio interface technologies for IMT-2020. This Report is to provide guidelines for both the procedure and the criteria (technical, spectrum and service) to be used in evaluating the proposed IMT-2020 radio interface technologies (RITs) or Sets of RITs (SRITs) for a number of test environments and deployment scenarios for evaluation. The test environments are chosen to simulate closely the more stringent radio operating environments. The evaluation procedure is designed in such a way that the overall performance of the candidate RIT/SRITs may be fairly and equally assessed on a technical basis. It ensures that the overall IMT 2020 objectives are met. Planned completion: WP 5D Meeting: Meeting No. 27 (June 2017).
Other information: Update of the processes for IMT-2000 and IMT-Advanced Update of the process for IMT-2000 (TEMP/101, 102) Documents IMT-2000/2(Rev.2) and IMT-2000/3(Rev.2): Update of the process for IMT-Advanced (TEMP/103, 104) Documents IMT-ADV/24 (Rev.3) and IMT-ADV/25 (Rev.2)