Ocean VC Support & Interactions COVERAGE: 3 year project within CEOS that aims to provide enhanced, more integrated access to interagency satellite products for the 4 Ocean VCs in support of select GEO applications with a biological/biodiversity focus (MBON) Currently in Phase A – requirements gathering and system architectural design stage of the project – decisions on dataset composition in coordination with VCs and strong involving stakeholder engagement piece COVERAGE Advisory Board comprised of interagency and Ocean VC representatives: SST-VC: Helen Beggs (ABOM), OC-VC: Paul DiGiacomo (NOAA), OST-Philippe Escudier (CNES), OVW-VC: Tony Lee (NASA) COVERAGE is engaging VCs on: – A review of high quality, ”analysis ready” interagency satellite data products for potential inclusion. This analysis may also be of general use to VCs. – Interest in inclusion of new datasets also from other agencies not currently represented in COVERAGE eg. from ISRO, JAXA, CMA, … – Algorithms for harmonization data products to produce a coherent set of co-gridded global products across VC parameters In addition to ongoing coordination with the VC rep. on the Advisory Board, COVERAGE has been discussed with the SST-VC at GHRSST. There is similar interest in discussing further at other VC meeting venues as well.
Advisory Board VC Composition Board Member Affiliations & Applicability to COVERAGE Andrew Mitchell NASA/EOSDIS CEOS-WGISS/FDA (outgoing chair) Philippe Escudier (interim, 6 months) CNES CEOS-OST VC Paul DiGiacomo NOAA GEO-Blue Planet CEOS-OCR VC Fabienne Jacq EU Copernicus CMEMS - Copernicus Marine Service Igor Tomazic Eumetsat SST & Informatics, DIAS platform Helen Beggs Aus. Met. Bureau CEOS-SST VC IMOS Tony Lee NASA/JPL NASA OSVWST & OSST Frank Muller-Karger USF GEO-MBON Tim Moltmann UTas GOOS David Freestone SSC COVERAGE Sargasso Sea pilot study