Employer Survey 2018 Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Do you recall if you currently, or if you have ever, hired a NJIT graduate, intern or co-op student? 88.46% of the employers surveyed recalled a NJIT graduate, intern or co-op student. NJIT Graduate – 39.42% NJIT Intern/Co-op- 49.04% Response Rate: 9.50%
The importance of the following factors that influence your organization’s university-based recruitment efforts Very Important/Extremely Important College major 89.32% Relevance of course work 86.41% Employment/co-op/internship program 75.49% Leadership experience 65.05% College GPA 63.11% College reputation 58.82% College ranking 42.57% Research experience 39.60% Volunteer/Community service Participated in conferences or workshops in your field 33.34% Extracurricular activities 31.37% Fluency in a foreign language. 14.37% Has studied abroad 8.37%
Employer Satisfaction 89.13% of employers were satisfied or very satisfied with the quality of work of their most recent NJIT graduate, intern or co-op student. Educational background of the most recent NJIT graduate, intern or co-op student that you evaluated? Engineering = 51.09% Computer Science/Information Technology = 35.87%
Satisfied/Very satisfied Most recent NJIT graduate, intern or co-op student who has been employed at your organization on the following skills and competencies Satisfied/Very satisfied Effective use of technology 96.59% Capacity to learn new technology 95.50% Collaborate with others 94.39% Problem-solving skills 93.40% Technical skills associated with jobs 88.89% Ability to operate in a multicultural context 88.76% Research/Analytical skills 87.65% Ability to develop innovative ideas and opportunities 87.35% Detail-orientated 85.40% Ability to work autonomously 85.39% Planning and organizational skills 84.27% Multitasking Verbal communication skills 83.14% Math/Quantitative skills 82.23% Time management skills 82.02% Written communication skills 81.82% Leadership/Managerial skills 70.45%
Comparison to 2016 survey: Satisfied or very satisfied with following competencies 2018 Difference Technical skills associated with jobs 74.78% 88.89% +14.11 Problem solving skills 86.42% 93.40% +8.78 Collaborate with others 86.32% 94.39% +8.07 Effective use of technology 91.45% 96.59% +5.14 Research/Analytical skills 84.48% 87.65% +3.17 Leadership/Managerial skills 68.10% 70.45% +2.35 Verbal communication skills 83.90% 83.14% -0.76 Written communication skills 85.72% 81.82% -3.9 Math/Quantitative skills 91.37% 82.23 -9.14 Response Rate 18.1% 9.50%
Employer Overall Satisfaction with the quality of work of NJIT graduate, intern or co-op Scale: 1-Very Dissatisfied, 2-Dissatisfied, 3-Neutral, 4-Satisfied, 5-Very Satisfied