GenX Water Pollution in Wilmington, NC Alex Straughn, Ryan Russo, Sydney Ross, Brandon Jasnosz
GenX Perfluoro-2-propoxypropanoic acid is a deadly chemical compound also known as GenX. Animals that have been tested with GenX to see if it is harmful have gotten a fatal sickness. The company responsible for dumping the chemical was Chemours (dupont former to the incident )
Wilmington Problems Wilmington is a major port city where lots of unwanted things come in and out. Main source of water (Cape Fear Watershed) is polluted with GenX from factories in Fayetteville.
what type of pollution? Gen X would be point source pollution because we know where it’s coming from. The business Chemours (known as Dupont up until recently) was responsible for dumping the chemical for years, the earliest report being 1980 when Dupont was first built and began manufacturing the chemical.
Impact On Humans We do not have not much information on how gen x affects humans Although not much is known about gen x we do know that it is used in teflon. Teflon is what is used to make non stick pans and they can cause cancer.
Impacts On Ecosystem The GenX Chemical has infested the Cape Fear watershed making everything in it exposed to the toxins in the chemical. This also affects the water in the watershed which would be used as freshwater.
Remediation Efforts The DEQ is in the process of taking away the NPDES permit. The NPDES is a permit program that addresses water pollution by regulating point sources that discharge pollutants to the waters of the united states.
Legislation In January, the N.C. house of representatives passed a bill to use extra money to give to the states Environmental Regulators The bill went to the senate and they had objections and sent the bill back. No laws have been officially passed to address Genx, the closest meeting to address the issue now would be in May.