I spent about 15 to 20 minutes on each The following slides show quick concept drawings of the office building you are to design I spent about 15 to 20 minutes on each You should spend a lot more time than that Each is based on a different idea. The concept drawings you should have turned in on week 5 should be similar to these, much more more fully developed.
This concept is developed from basic shapes, and equilateral triangle, A circle and two golden section rectangles
This concept is based on four curvilinear elements arranged symmetrically about a central axis
This is the straightforward Rectilinear layout you Would provide for an Inexpensive Office building Meant only to make a profit for the owner.
Office Layouts The following slides have office plans from existing buildings. They show the structural grid layout, elevators, windows and stairs that go into an office floor. They are much larger than the project you are doing.
Sections Elevations Plans