Ch.6 Sect.2: Foreign Affairs Trouble the Nation
U.S. Response to Events in Europe Most Americans supported Fr. Rev. French wanted govt. based on… Alliance 1793, Jacobins seized power Louis XVI beheaded! Reign of Terror Neutrality— Edmond Genet— What did Jefferson do?
King Louis XVI
Edmond Genet
Treaty with Spain U.S. wanted land west of… Spain held the land Thomas Pinckney Treaty of San Lorenzo Spain gave up…
Native Americans Resist White Settlers Northwest Territory Natives never accepted T. of Paris White settlers moved in, Natives attacked Josiah Harmar vs. Little Turtle Aug. 20, 1794 Anthony Wayne defeated Miami Confederacy Ended Native resistance in Ohio Treaty of Greenville Jay’s Treaty
Harmar and Little Turtle
Mad Anthony Wayne
Treaty of Greenville
Adams Provokes Criticism Washington did not seek 3rd term 1796 Feds nominate Adams, Pinckney Dem-Rep T. Jeff, A. Burr Adams received 71 votes, Jefferson 68 Who was VP? Sectionalism—
Adams Tries to Avoid War Looming war with France French upset with Jay treaty 3 man delegation… French Directory XYZ Affair 1798 Congress creates… Army had… Alien and Sedition Acts 3 measures were Alien Acts… Sedition Act…
VA and KY Resolutions Jefferson & Madison didn’t like Acts Madison drew up… Jefferson drew up… Nullification— Checks and Balances 1799 Washington dies of a severe cold What did Napoleon do?
Death of George Washington