INSPIRE fitness for purpose – Analysis


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Presentation transcript:

2016.1 INSPIRE fitness for purpose – Analysis Introduction 1

Action 2016.1 aims at systematically analysing and reviewing INSPIRE requirements in the legal (implementing rules) and technical (guidelines, etc) framework and of the implementation practices and concrete difficulties in the Member States, with the aim to identify and propose to the MIG possible measures for streamlining and simplification of INSPIRE implementation and use.

History Mandate for action 2016.1 was agreed at the June 2016 meeting of the MIG-P (MIWP Annex I core activities) A sub-group was set up and met in the margins of the INSPIRE Conference in September. This "reflection group" looked at a discussion document which identified a number of areas and questions for discussion addressing on one hand, the "simplification of requirements" and on the other, the "simplification of use". In addition, the reflection group gave some feedback on a simple questionnaire which aimed at collecting input beyond the INSPIRE MIG community. The reflection group will meet again on the 16th November and review the revised discussion document.

Discussion document - Scope Defining “fitness for purpose” Simplification of implementation Simplification of Implementing Rules, in particular data interoperability requirements, especially for Annex III Implementation approach & compliance & conformity Dependency on standards Simplification of use Data sharing and access by public to environmental information Technological evolution

Streamlining / Simplification? opportunities to simplify the requirements in the Implementing Acts and Technical Guidelines (e.g. for Annex III data); additional guidance or clarifications through Q/A documents (e.g. to reduce differences in implementation approaches or align thematic priority setting for implementation); promotion or developments of tools supporting INSPIRE implementation and/or usage of INSPIRE data and services; setting up a tiered maturity roadmap for implementation (basic, essential, premium) – see below; IT mainstreaming of the technical components of INSPIRE (ISO/DCAT; GML/JSON; reuse/endorsement of existing vocabularies e.g. ELF …). As regards the Implementing Acts, any outcome will be reported to the INSPIRE Committee. It is ultimately for the Commission, taking into account the opinion of the Committee, to amend any Implementing acts."

Questionnaire - gather evidence A consultative process (screening) with the main stakeholders (in particular MIG and environment policy areas through Focus Group) help identify the strengths and possible weaknesses of the INSPIRE framework to assess its feasibility (policy, organisational and technical, issues) identify areas where simplification should be introduced

Kick-Off meeting 30/09/2016 Several MS experts identified the interoperability requirements for Annex III data sets as the prominent issue It was suggested to address bugs/corrigenda in Annexes I and II in parallel with the analysis of issues and possible simplification for Annex III. After dealing with the interoperability requirements, the other topics in the discussion document should be addressed. It was suggested that: - The subgroup experts provide feedback on the discussion paper and the questionnaire by 24 October 2016 and share known issues related to the data interoperability requirements by 4th November 2016.  - COM finalizes and launches questionnaire as soon as possible, further develops the discussion document for the subgroup of 16 November 2016 .