Expert visit Bratislava, – Part 2


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Presentation transcript:

Expert visit Bratislava, 31.07. – 01.08.2007 Part 2 Pesticide Indicators Transition Facility Multi-Beneficiary Statistical Cooperation Programme 2005 - Lot 2 Expert visit Bratislava, 31.07. – 01.08.2007 Part 2 Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic

Content of presentation Interviews vs. postal survey Sampling methods used in Phare 2005 project Information on basic file (farm register, crop production statistics) Stratification of sample Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic

1. Interviews vs. postal survey PUS Phare 2005: Interviews 100 units growing wheat Made by inspectors Central Control and Testing Institute (UKSUP) Response rate 100% (for wheat) Survey on wheat in SR – only postal survey 1000 units Lack of human resources Will be made by SOSR Lower response rate is expected Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic

2. Sampling methods used in Phare 2005 project Area sown by wheat in 2004 = 329 844,44 ha Number of farms growing wheat in 2004 = 3 352 Data contain: enterprises and entrepreneurs corporated and not corporated Data do not contain farmers not-entrepreneurs and growing by natural persons for self-consumption – sown area for these bodies is estimated on NUTS4 level, therefore they were excluded from basic file Stratification according to area sown by wheat Stratification on NUTS2 level Bratislava region was jointed with West Slovak region Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic

Distribution of land, sown by wheat over the Slovak Republic in 2004 Percentage of land, sown by wheat, to the total land, according to districts (NUTS4 regions) 0% 20% Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic

Distribution of farms, growing wheat over the Slovak Republic in 2004 Number of farm growing wheat on 1000 ha of total land, according to districts (NUTS4 regions) 2,5 Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic

Sample selection criteria for wheat Regions: 3 groups (NUTS2 regions) West Slovakia (including Bratislava) Middle Slovakia East Slovakia Farm size: 8 groups The smallest – up to the 50 ha The largest – more than 1000 ha Similar sowing area in every combination with regional groups Optimal number of samples in cells – the same percentage of sowing area in each cell Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic

Sown areas of wheat and number of farms in groups in 2005 Phare project Region (NUTS2) SR in total West Slovakia Middle Slovakia East Slovakia Area (ha) Number < 50 15 608,80 1 156 6 093,52 495 7 649,60 547 29 351,91 2 198 50 - 100 11 978,99 164 4 497,47 62 7 896,97 109 24 373,44 335 100 - 200 25 849,09 177 7 460,30 51 11 291,41 80 44 600,81 308 200 - 300 28 954,53 118 4 834,33 20 7 201,66 29 40 990,52 167 300 - 400 25 920,48 74 6 843,59 8 571,33 25 41 335,40 119 400 - 500 29 324,85 65 4 916,33 11 7 585,13 17 41 826,31 93 500 - 1000 48 897,75 9 502,50 15 7 968,89 12 66 369,14 101 > 1000 29 783,95 22 5 477,31 4 5 735,67 5 40 996,93 31 Total 216 318,43 1 850 49 625,35 678 63 900,66 824 329 844,44 3 352 Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic

Sample selection criteria for wheat in 2005 Phare project (2) Sowing areas in cells Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic

Sample selection criteria for wheat in 2005 Phare project (3) Numbers of farms Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic

Sample selection criteria for wheat in 2005 Phare project (4) The number of farms in a sample (good farms) Farm size West Middle East Total < 50 19 11 12 42 50 - 100 4 1 2 7 100 - 200 200 - 300 3 5 300 - 400 400 - 500 500 - 1000 >1000 36 18 21 75 Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic

Restrictions Very small sample Farms were not selected randomly No calculation of statistical characteristics were made (standard deviation, variation coeficient) Estimation of whole population was not possible Farms were not selected randomly Inspectors got only selection criteria (table on previous page) Every inspector could choose farms (not statistical approach) Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic

3. Information on basic file (farm register, crop production statistics) Crop production statistics is based on farm register Maintained by SOSR Identification information on farms Linked with statistical business register (ID number of organization and number of branch) Farm register contain enterprises and entrepreneurs corporated and not corporated and natural persons not-entrepreneurs which practice agricultural activities Farm register do not contain information on natural persons growing crops for own consumption Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic

Information on basic file (crop production statistics) Possible sources of data on utilized agricultural area for wheat: Sown area (Census of Area Sown with Crops as of May 20th) – definitive data Estimation of harvest area (June, July) Harvest area (September) – definitive data The best solution is sown area (available now, definitive data) Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic

Use of land Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic Use of land 2001   2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Total area of the SR (ha) 4 903 472 4 903 347 4 903 423 4 903 389 4 903 380 4 903 467 Utilized agriculture land (ha) 2 254 801 2 236 424 2 236 036 1 934 659 1 941 380 1 939 275 % of utilized agricultural area to total area 46,0 45,6 39,5 39,6 Arable land (ha) 1 409 222 1 377 482 1 379 379 1 360 893 1 357 201 1 344 079 % of arable land to UAA 62,5 61,6 61,7 70,3 69,9 69,3 Winter wheat - harvest area 434 128 397 693 291 561 357 238 358 360 338 525 % of harvest area of wheat to UAA 19,3 17,8 13,0 18,5 17,5 Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic

4. Stratification of sample Geographic stratification On NUTS2 level (3 regions) Stratification according to classification of farms: According to sown area, or According to harvest area, or According to production in tons, or According to production in national currency, or According to whole agricultural area etc. Stratification according to area sown by wheat 6 classes for sample survey (up to 500ha) Farms above 500ha (138 farms) will be address all (similar to Stefan‘s approach) Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic