Christ in You The Hope of Glory Colossians 1:21 – 29
Christ in You The Hope of Glory Colossians 1:21 – 29 The journey to maturity begins with a solid understanding of our salvation, and this understanding provides us as individuals and collectively as a church a firm foundation – Jesus Christ - on which our faith is built.
Our position because we are reconciled – Colossians 1: 21 – 23. Five key words used in the New Testament to describe salvation: Justification, Redemption, Forgiveness, Adoption, and Reconciliation.
Justification: The sinner is guilty before God and stands condemned, But is declared righteous – Romans 8:33 Redemption: The sinner stands before God as slave but is granted freedom Romans 6:18-22; Mark 10:45 Adoption: The sinner stands before God as one not in the family but is made a son or daughter with full heirship.
Forgiveness: The sinner stands before God as debtor with a debt that he can repay but God in Christ paid the debt and the sinner stands completely forgiven before God. Ephesians 1;7; Luke 7:36-50. Reconciliation: The sinner stands before God as an hostile but because of Christ has peace with God and now is considered a friend of God. 2 Corinthians 5:17-20.
Paul’s current state – Colossians 1:24 – 26. 1:24 “I rejoice in my sufferings for you” In Romans 5:3-5 – Paul writes that character is the end product desired in our lives by the Holy Spirit. His sequencing: suffering produces endurance; endurance character and then character hope! Character and maturity is how believers navigate life with joy and look like Jesus.
Paul’s current state – Colossians 1:24 – 26. 1:24 “I rejoice in my sufferings for you” Col 1:25 “according to the stewardship from God” Believers are all stewards and trustees of the gospel (1 Cor. 4:1-5; Eph. 3:2,9; Titus 1:7; 1 Pet. 4:10).
Paul’s goal – Colossians 1:27 – 29. Col 1:27 – The mystery explained – Christ in you the hope of glory! Col 1:28 – The goal – To present every one mature in Christ.
Application To present every one mature in Christ. By means of: proclaiming Christ – instructing and warning – teaching With wisdom and personal labor and struggle according to the Lord’s power working in us. Maturity and Character is the actualization of our redemption in Christ in our personal and corporate life. .
CHURCH Pauline Cycle proclaim Release Establish Equip They preached the message and gathered the converts into local churches. Sent out Disciple-makers Incorporated Release Churches sent others to preach the message and start new churches elsewhere. CHURCH Values Vision Daily Life of the church family Establish They grounded new believers in the essentials of the faith. Pauline Cycle Evangelize They preached the message and gathered the converts into local churches Establish They grounded new believers in the essentials of the faith Equip They appointed and equipped Godly leaders to guide and teach the church. Expand Churches sent others to preach the message and start new churches elsewhere. Equipped Capable Disciples Formed Mature Disciples Equip They equipped and appointed Godly leaders to guide and teach the church.