UNHEVAL UNIVERSITY-HUÁNUCO.PERÚ MEDICINE FACULTY Mg. María Cecilia Galimberti Oliveira Master in Medical Anthropology and International Health.
MEDICINE FACULTY FROM THE UNHEVAL UNIVERSITY Our research team has been working for more than 5 years in Diabetes from a sociocultural perspective explaining the explanatory models of desease and the influence of the poverty in the disease . The interaction between explanatory models of doctors and the explanatory models of patients is a central component of the health disease process. In this sense the rol of the medical anthropologiest is essential to know the behaviors of doctors and patients, the causality and the treatment of the disease, in a hermeneutic context establishing differencess between “disease” and “illness”. On the other hand, the poverty us a social phenomenon, is influencing in the disease, since there is a culture of powerty characterized for conformism, bad habits of life, lack of education, insecurity, material poverties, bad social relations etc
RESEARCH INTERESTS Diabetes Nutrition Peruvian traditional medicine Poverty and disease Pregnancy in teenager AREAS Public Health Traditional Medicine