Rings of Fire Step through tires alternating between them from one end to the other.
Spider’s Tunnel Crawl on belly from one end to the other.
Storm the Castle Go up wall and climb down cargo net.
Swamp Hop Step or jump from one Island to the other, without touching the ground, from first to the last.
Flying Portal Crawl through suspended barrels from one end to the other while they are swinging.
Defeat the Wolfman Throw ball into hole to defeat the wolfman.
Dead Man’s Gorge Make your way on a suspended rope, using the hanging vines as your support.
Snake’s Hole Crawl through tires from one end to the other.
Phoenix Perch Climb up to top of platform and Fly (jump) off into bails of hay.
Home to Hogwarts Zip down hill using rope pulley and handle. Bring handle back up to start to complete the course. Zip Line