1/21 Daily Catalyst Pg. 7 Review 1. Convert .009 Hectograms into milligrams. 2. Convert .45 grams/sec into centigrams/day. 3. What type of growth is exhibited in this graph? 4. Draw a conclusion from the information in the graph. Ask students what the null hypothesis is and then at the end, ask students if we accept or reject the null hypothesis and why. Students should answer using the calculated values and the degree of freedom as proof.
1/21 Daily Catalyst Pg. 7 Review Unit #1 test is this Friday Study guide is due Friday Review day on Thursday If you will be absent, make arrangement with Mrs. Ireland ASAP Those who miss test day will NOT be allowed test corrections, so please be here on test day!! Tutoring is available before school, during lunch, during 4th period, and after school Make a tutoring appointment with Mrs. Ireland www.irelandbhsbio.weebly.com
1/21 Daily Catalyst Pg. 7 Review Class Business Track quiz data Design scenarios presentations Lab Homework: study for unit 1 test and study guide
Track Data Green (3.5-4.0) Blue (3.4-2.5) Purple (2.4-1.5) Yellow (1.4-1.0) Red (0.0-.9) Fill in tracker in students notebook and poster tracker
Presentations During presentations we are: Silent Respectful Attentive Tracking the speaker Raising our hands to ask questions Each group has 5 minutes to present
Measurement Lab Guideline Directions: With your assigned lab group, read all directions before beginning the lab. One lab report will be turned in per lab group for a group grade. Time: 45 minutes Noise: 1 (with group)
Exit Ticket #3 Conversions Name: _____________ Date: 1/21 Period: _____ Answer the following questions. (worth 1 pt. each) 1. What is the abbreviation for Kilogram: __________ 2. 77 kg = __________g 3. 320 m = _________Hm 4. 88.7 cm = _______ mm
1/21 Class Wrap-Up 1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using the metric system of measurements? 2. Why is it important for all scientists to use a standard system of measurements rather than the system that may be most popular in their home country or region? 3. Why do we call science a process and not a rigid set of steps?
1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using the metric system of measurements? Based on a system of 10 Easier to memorize The rest of the world uses it Only takes moving a decimal Easy prefixes (deci, milli) Disadvantages: If you are not used to this system, it is difficult to understand Not everyone uses this system (but 96% do) People hate change! Sports use English units