Planning for Teaching (Part 2) Susie Fawcett
Recap How to write objectives THREE components Skills Knowledge Understanding THREE components (1) What is to be learned (2) The varying circumstances under which that learning will take place (3) The criteria you will apply to make judgments on the extent to which this learning has taken place
Lesson objectives Knowledge: to recognise 3 key points which contribute to turning effectively (LO1) Skill: To develop the precision, control and fluency of the pupil’s ability to perform a turn when they are face to face with a defender. (LO2) Understand: to be able to make the appropriate decision of when to turn in a game context. (LO3)
Learning Outcome Before each activity identify what the pupils will be LEARNING Children will learn more effectively if they can understand the purpose of a task rather than just doing the task. You will TEACH better if you are clear what pupils will learn by doing a practice
Example Task: In 3’s, using a grid square, stand one person at each corner of the grid leaving one corner free. Push the ball to the free corner of the grid and person nearest without ball runs to corner to receive ball. What do pupils learn by performing this practice?
Instructional Alignment Your lesson objectives/outcomes are what you are aiming for pupils to learn by the end of the lesson Structure the lesson as a series of learning episodes by separating the learning into distinct stages/steps Progressive learning outcomes
Lesson Episode Starter activity: lively, engaging, may establish early teaching points, linked to objectives, short (e.g. 5 mins) Introduction: Objectives and expectations are shared, located in the context of previous and future learning (could be before starter) short!
Lesson Episode New learning or introduction of task/s. This will draw on a range of strategies or techniques to engage pupils. Development: Pupils need opportunities to use new knowledge and skills. They will learn by applying new ideas or trying to generate their own understanding. Plenaries: Learning is reviewed, an opportunity to reflect on the learning process itself.
Task Year 8 1 hour lesson Produce a series of sequential learning outcomes which will enable all lesson objectives to be addressed and are structured in episodes Reference each LO to a lesson objective
Learning Outcomes & Activities (Column 1) Includes pure description of the warm-up/tasks/drills/modified games etc that the pupils will perform. Use abbreviations, paraphrase All progressions are described here (extension task etc) Includes activities, which are differentiated e.g. what will the most able do? [MA] e.g. what will the less able do? [LA]
Organisation (time, space, equipment & learners) [Column 3] Includes all the information on how the warm-up/task/drill/game will be managed and organised safely If you intend to use a demonstration, where is the demonstration? Where will the practices take place (e.g. in grids, in half-court) Use diagrams How are the groups arranged (in pairs, 2v2 etc)
Organisation How many times each? How are rotations handled? When? What equipment does each pair/team/individual need? Where is the equipment? Who gets this? Where are you standing as the teacher or what are you doing.
Column 2 – Teaching strategies and teaching points Pedagogy: how are you going to promote learning and develop understanding. The nature of the learning objectives and subsequent learning outcomes will determine the appropriate teaching strategy.
Teaching strategies Teaching styles: command, guided discovery, problem solving AfL e.g. planned questions, self assessment e.t.c Resources Demonstration
Column 4 Opportunities for assessment Assessment criteria