Tally Marks
Introduction Tally marks are a quick way of keeping track of numbers in groups of five. How to draw tally marks The occurrence of each information is marked by a vertical line ‘|’ Every fifth tally is recorded by striking through the previous four vertical lines as ‘||||’ This makes up counting the tallies easy
Example 1: Count the objects given below and prepare table. From the objects, we have mangoes, strawberries, oranges, cherries and pineapple. Let us create a tally mark table for the above data Objects Tally Marks No of Objects Objects No of Objects Mango |||| 4 Mango 4 Strawberry |||| 5 Strawberry 5 Orange ||| 3 Orange 3 Cherries || 2 Cherries 2 Pineapple | 1 Pineapple 1 This looks much easier to read
Example 2: From the information collected from students, the modes of transport are listed one below the other Solution Lets convert tally marks into its numerical value. First convert each of the tally mark to its numerical value. Next add all the values to get the numercial value of each mode of transport 5 + 5 + 5 + 1 16 5 5 5 + 2 7 5 + 5 + 2 12
From the chart below, answer the following question. Q1. Which mode of transport has got 12 votes? Ans: Children travelled by train are 5.
From the chart below, answer the following question. Q2. Which mode of transport was maximum used? Ans: Bus was used maximum by the students (No of students travelled by bus is 16)
From the chart below, answer the following question. Q3. Are the children coming by cycle is greater than by walk? Ans: No, Children coming by cycle is less than children coming by walk. (No of children coming by cycle is 7 and coming by walk is 12)
From the chart below, answer the following question. Q4. Which mode of transport has got 12 votes? Ans: Walk has got 12 votes.
Try These Vijay threw a die 18 times and noted down the result each time as follows. Prepare a table on the numbers shown using tally marks. 3 2 4 3 5 6 1 1 3 3 4 5 3 6 4 4 2 3 2. Given below are the number of candy boxes sold by Sandhya, Jeniffer, Sandheep, Sachin and Visalakshi. How much less did Sandheep sold than Sandhya? Who sold the Maximum number of boxes? How many people sold less than 30 boxes? How many boxes of candy did Sachin sell?