Static quarks in finite temperature lattice QCD Péter Petreczky


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Presentation transcript:

Static quarks in finite temperature lattice QCD Péter Petreczky Physics Department and RIKEN-BNL Research Center Motivation : the study and interpretation of static meson correlators is much more easier than the analysis of heavy meson correlators ( see talk by T. Umeda ) provide useful non-perturbative input into pNRQCD at T>0 ( see talk by A. Vairo ) Static meson correlators in pure gauge theories A. Bazavov, P.P., A. Velytsky; Kaczmarek, Karsch, Zantow, P.P Static meson correlators in full QCD RBC-Bielefeld Collaboration Summary QWG2008, December 2-5, 2008

Static quark anti-quark pair in T>0 QCD

Static quark anti-quark pair in T>0 QCD (cont’d) McLerran, Svetitsky 1981 Jahn, Philipsen, 2004

Color singlet and averaged correlators at low T Bazavov, Velytsky, P.P. 2008

Overlap factors Bazavov, Velytsky, P.P. 2008

Color triplet and singlet correlators 1st hybrid potential, Michael, Perantonis, 92 Bazavov, Velytsky, P.P. 2008

Color screening in the deconfinde phase Bazavov, Velytsky, P.P. 2008

Running coupling from the force in SU(3) gauge theory Kaczmarek, Karsch, Zantow, P.P, 2004 The running coupling constant determined from the force is the same for singlet and octet channel at short distances !

Static quark anti-quark free energy in 2+1f QCD RBC-Bielefeld Collaboration: M. Cheng, N.H. Christ, S. Eijiri, K. Hübner, C. Jung, F., O. Kaczmarek, F. Karsch, E. Laermann, J. Liddle, R. Mawhinney, C. Miao, P. Petreczky, K. Petrov, C. Schmidt, W. Söldner, J. Van der Heide Coulomb gauge preliminary preliminary

Static quark anti-quark free energy in 2+1f QCD(cont’d) preliminary preliminary

Summary The lattice study of the T-dependence of spatial correlators of static quark anti-quark pair shows that singlet and adjoint states are the relevant degrees of freedom at short distances The T-dependence of the correlators does not depend on the details of the operators: the singlet correlators show little T-dependence at short distances, while adjoint correlators show significant T-dependence corresponding to melting of hybrid states at the deconfinement transition. Perturbaton theory can describe many features of static quark anti-quark correlators at high temperatures .

Quarkonium in Hot Matter from QCD to experiment INT mini-program, June 16-26, 2009, Seattle WA Organizers : N. Brambilla, D. Kharzeev, P. Petreczky, H. Satz, A. Vairo, R. Vogt Topics include : Heavy quark potential and quarkonium properties at high temperatures Quarkonium production mechanism in pp, pA and AA collisions Dynamical models for quarkonium production in AA collisions