Daily Quiz What idea did Southern states use to justify secession? Jacksonian Democracy Crittenden Compromise States’ Rights Slavery doctrine Who won the election of 1860? Abraham Lincoln John Bell John C. Breckenridge Stephen Douglas
Comparing Union and Confederacy
Population Significance: More people = more soldiers and more workers
Transportation Significance: Allows for goods and people to move faster
Wealth Significance: More Money = ability to spend more on war
Factories Significance: More industry = more war supplies
Motivation Significance: Motivation is what inspires soldiers to fight
Government Leadership Significance: Government is responsible for fighting the war
Military Leadership Significance: Great military leaders can overcome disadvantages
Knowledge of Land Significance: soldiers/leaders who knew the land better were better able to fight/defend it
Objective of War Significance: the harder the objective, the harder it is to win the war Union: Invade the South and force them to reenter the Union. Confederacy: Defend their land and remain free of the Union
First Battle of Bull Run (First Manassas) First battle of the Civil War In Northern Virginia Confederate General Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson held his ground “like a stone wall” and pushed the Union back forcing them to retreat Significance: North shocked and realized the war would be long and difficult
Reflection List two advantages for the Union and two for the Confederacy.