SecTor 2007 Welcome to SecTor 2007 400 registered attendees 27 speakers 25 sponsoring organizations 1 long time coming…
History TASK Black Arts Illuminated Inc. Founded February 2005 Founders: Robert Beggs, Brian Bourne, Robert Buren, Bruce Cowper Black Arts Illuminated Inc. Incorporated December 27, 2006 Founders: Brian Bourne, Robert Buren, Bruce Cowper
Advisory Committee Robert Beggs Brian Bourne Robert Buren Bruce Cowper Mark Fabro Leigh Honeywell Stephen Ibaraki Dave Millier Michael Murray Brian O'Higgins Jeremy Richards Eldon Sprickerhoff Gord Taylor
Industry Support
Housekeeping Facilities Wireless network Business Centre Prize give away(s) Coat Check Evening reception details Cell Phones SecTor SWAG Lunch and Breaks
SecTor 2008 Be sure to join us in 2008. October 7 & 8 MTCC, Toronto, ON, Canada
Dr. Richard Reiner Chief Security & Technology Officer, TELUS Security Solutions Dr. Richard Reiner is an internationally recognized authority on information and software security. He has been the principal strategist for over 100 major information security and application security initiatives in Fortune 500, TSE 100, and major public-sector corporations. Dr. Reiner holds a Ph.D. in logic and computability, and is a leading innovator in the area of software security with several patents pending in the field. He is often quoted by the press and has been featured on the cover of CIO Magazine, in the New York Times, USA Today, and CBS News.