Homework Anxiety worksheet – methods – can be typed
Controlling Anxiety
Connector Video and questions on the website
What do I need to learn? Review your PLC
Different types of anxiety Page 176 Book 1 – how are they caused? Competitive trait Competitive state Somatic Cognitive
What is anxiety? A negative aspect of feeling stress Stressor – Any demands that are placed on the performer that initiate stress (leading to a cognitive or somatic response) Eustress – A positive form of stress which provides an adrenalin rush
Figure 4 page 177 How would you summarise the diagram?
Measuring anxiety Method Advantage Disadvantage Physiological measures Observations Self report questionnaires
Measuring Anxiety - Tests
Make notes from pg 178 outlining – What it tests, when it takes places, administered, advantages and disadvantages SCAT CSAI 2
Stress management
Example 1 As Rocky’s sport psychologist, how do you propose to help him overcome his anxiety for the fight tomorrow? Here’s what Rocky did…
Rocky Rocky overcame his ‘perceived imbalance between ability and task demands’ (anxiety) by changing his goals. He focused on a performance goal rather than an outcome goal (more on this next week) He also kept things in perspective (he was always a nobody).
Example 2 A golfer has been having problems with his swing. How would you help him to prepare and what would you teach him to do as he has a long putt to win a competition?
Golf. Why did he choke?
What did he do?
Stress What is it? Responding to stress Controlling stress Cognitive vs. somatic techniques (complete the worksheet)
What have I learnt so far?
Next lesson - Goal setting Outcome goals Performance goals SMARTER targets Don’t forget your homework