AIM: Who started the Cold War: the United States or Soviet Union? Do Now: Study for quiz.
Stalin’s Election Speech, 1946 communism and capitalism cannot co-exist
The Iron Curtain
The Iron Curtain communism in Eastern Europe after WWII
The Truman Doctrine, 1947 “It must be the policy of the U.S. to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures.”
The Truman Doctrine, 1947 gave military and economic aid to Greece and Turkey to fight off the threat of communism $400 million to Greece $100 million to Turkey
Truman’s Foreign Policy: Containment Contain or limit Soviet expansion
Gave $13 billion to Western European nations after WWII The Marshall Plan, 1948 Gave $13 billion to Western European nations after WWII help nations rebuild and fight off the threat of communism
The Marshall Plan, 1948 Photo shows a delivery of wheat from the U.S. being unloaded in Rotterdam, Netherlands
Novikov Telegram, 1946 Truman Doctrine, containment, and Marshall plan are direct threats to SU
Henry Wallace, 1946 US should achieve an “atmosphere of mutual trust and confidence” instead of an arms race
Communist Coup in Czechoslovakia, February 1948 Was the last democratic country in Eastern Europe until 1948
“Step on it, doc”
Who started the Cold War: the United States or the Soviet Union? CHOOSE ONE.
Exit Ticket Main Idea: Was the Cold War inevitable? Why or why not? Inquiry: How have foreign affairs shaped modern American society?