The Impact of Technology Upon Quality and Patient Safety Ryan C. Everett, BS Coordinator, Quality Integration Ohio Hospital Association Quality Institute
Membership of 219 hospitals and 13 health systems throughout Ohio. Who is OHA? OHA exists to collaborate with member hospitals and health systems to ensure a healthy Ohio. Membership of 219 hospitals and 13 health systems throughout Ohio. Governed by a 20-member Board of Trustees representative of member hospitals
“In attempting to arrive at the truth, I have applied everywhere for information, but in scarcely an instance have I been able to obtain hospital records fit for any purposes of comparison. If they could be obtained, they would enable us to decide many other questions besides the ones alluded to. They would show subscribers how their money was being spent, what amount of good was really being done with it, or whether the money was not doing mischief rather than good…” Florence Nightingale, 1863
OHA’s Statewide Initiatives Reduction of harm Reduction of all cause, all age, all payer readmissions Improvement of the patient’s experience of care Prevention of infant mortality
Measures and Metrics Each initiative has defined measures (what specifically we are focusing upon) Each measure has defined metrics (the specific targeted outcomes)
Transitions of Care Communication Sustainability Diversity
Formation of Workgroup Focused workgroups representative of OHA’s membership and related entities Emphasis upon the measures/metrics Most work accomplished remotely using web-based venues, minimizing workplace interruptions and travel
Strategies Access to/interaction with effective practices Dissemination of effective practices Sharing of lessons learned Implementation Sustainability Transparency
Impact of Technology Predictive Analytics PSI/IQI Outcomes/days/cost Choice of comparators Timely data Readmissions module forthcoming in Q1, 2015
Impact of Technology Repository Higher Logic Resource database Discussion boards Resource dissemination
Impact of Technology Website Portal for reports OHA – single sign on Ohio Patient Safety Institute (OPSI)
Impact of Technology Collaboratives Facilitation of traditional collaboratives Host of virtual collaboratives
James Guliano, MSN, RN-BC Contact Information Ryan Everett, BS James Guliano, MSN, RN-BC (614)-221-7614