Women’s Liberation
The Movement The women’s liberation also known as the feminist movement and the women’s movement was a collection of campaigns and protests for reforms on issues and laws such as reproductive rights and equal pay. The movement began in the Western World in the late 18th century. There were three waves to the movement. First wave – 19th to early 20th century , campaigned for right to vote. Second wave – From 1960s to 1980s, campaigned for gender inequality in laws and culture. Third wave – Early 1990s, happened because of the second waves failures.
Second Wave The second wave which was from the 1960s to the 1980s which had been built to carry on from the first wave campaigned against inequality in laws and culture. This wave mainly consisted of working class White women. Clara Zetkin was one of the most famous leaders of this movement. By late 19th century many women were working in the professions which affected social life.