KASC – Registration Guide For Swimmers Welcome to KASC, this guide will assist you in registering with Scottish Swimming and also with KASC’s Swim Manager which you will use to pay your membership fees and enter swim meets – The software also allows you to check at any time your swimmer’s current personal bests and improvements over the season and their attendance record at training. Scottish Swimming Registration The first stage is to register with Scottish Swimming (If your swimmer is already registered with Scottish Swimming go to page 5 of this guide). This is an online process and can be started by visiting: https://scottishswimming.azolve.com/Account.mvc/Login?ReturnUrl=%2f Once on the webpage click on the Sign Up button to start the registration – remember that it is your swimmer you are registering not yourself.
Enter your swimmers details (you can still enter your own email address if desired) and click the sign up button. You will then be taken to the page where you can affiliate yourself with KASC by clicking on the select club button on the right hand side of the webpage.
Type Kilmarnock into the box where it states search club name and press search. Now click on the icon for KASC and press the select club button. You will be returned to your membership page and will be showing as a member of Kilmarnock ASC. Note down the membership number in the top left corner of the page, you will require this during the Swim Manager registration.
Now click on membership category and select swimmer membership Now click on membership category and select swimmer membership. Choose swimming as the primary discipline, you do not pay the fee at this time; the club takes the fee using Swim Manager and pays it on your behalf when we accept you as a member of the club. Read and accept the doping control, rules and codes of conduct then press finish to complete your application. You can alter any other details in your profile at any time.
Swim Manager Registration The club utilises a software program called Swim Manager developed by Active Network who are a well established company within the world of swimming, the software is used by the club to collect membership fees, enter Swim Galas, track attendance and seasonal improvements of swimmers, communications and the coaches can select swimmers for team events using the software. The link to register with Swim Manager is: http://www.active.com/kilmarnock-ayrshire/water-sports/swimming-registrations/kilmarnock-amateur-swimming-club-july-december-2018 When registering with Swim Manager use the membership number you noted down from Scottish Swimming when you are asked to provide the swimmer’s id.
Please note there is a 15 minute time limit to complete check out, the session will time out if you have not completed your entry within this time and you will need to start a new registration.
Select REGISTER NOW for the squad your child swims in, for example Development Squad 1.
Create an Active account via the new user option above left or log in with Facebook or an existing Active account.
Select the “Your child” option if this is a new swimmer and complete the swimmers information section. Your own information and any other swimmer you have registered can be altered here if applicable.
Select the squad your child swims in e. g Select the squad your child swims in e.g. lanes 1 or 2 are D1, then press continue. New swimmers to the club will generally all be in Lane 1 unless the Head Coach specifies otherwise.
Parent/Guardian information should already be populated on this page from the Active account created previously. Swimmers information fields marked with an * are mandatory with the exception of middle name, if your child has none then tick the no middle name box. If you don’t have a landline please enter the same phone number given for the primary parent in the Home phone box.
Please include an Emergency contact name and number, also include any information regarding any medications required by your child and your Doctor’s name and phone number. This is essential in the event that your child becomes unwell whilst attending training or a swim gala.
Now enter any allergy information and special dietary requirements your child has. If you want your contact details to be available to other parents through the KASC Swim Portal ensure this box is ticked. Your child’s SASA membership number is to be entered here. Indicate here if you do/do not give consent for your child to be photographed. Click on this box to indicate that you know that the Club Child Protection and Ethical Policy Documents can be found on the KASC website.
This is the annual payment for your child to be a member of Scottish Swimming and also swimmer’s insurance. Active waiver and KASC consent forms and codes of conduct for both parents and swimmers are available to read here. All must be read and agreed to before registering with KASC. The athlete code of conduct is for your child to read and is an important part of their membership of KASC.
If you have more than one swimmer to with the club click here to start the second registration, this will ensure that the second child discount is added automatically. Any coupon codes given to you by the club to use during registration should be entered here.
On the payment screen ensure that both boxes are ticked, this allows your child to be entered for meets online and the club to transfer swimmers to the correct groups as they progress through the club
If you have any questions about swimmer registration please contact the club using the following email address: registrations@KilmarnockASC.org.uk