www.dawahmemo.com موقع المفكرة الدعوية ENGLISH FOR DA’WAA Facilitators: Khalid I. Al-Dossary dosski0i@aramco.com.sa & Ahmad Nuriddin www.dawahmemo.com موقع المفكرة الدعوية
Outline Rationale / Objective Requirements & Duration Course Materials Course Schedule Methodology & Evaluation Tools
Rationale Course Rationale: There are many people who speak English well, and who have good knowledge of Islam, yet they are unable to communicate effectively in English on Islamic subjects primarily because they lack the proper terminology to do so. Outlines Schedule Requirement Duration Course Material
Objectives Course Objectives: By the end of the course the participants will have acquired the following: A reasonable knowledge of Islamic terminology The ability to discuss Islamic concepts in English The ability to give short presentations on Islamic topics of their choice. An awareness of the subtleties and importance of language in Da'wah A reasonable knowledge of necessary terminologies of other religions as needed to present Islam.
Requirements & Duration The main requirement is the participant’s willingness and commitment to presenting Islam in its true light. Nevertheless, prospective participants must possess a basic level of fluency in English and should be able to take part in a conversation on general topics. Previous experience as a da’ee is preferable but not a must. Duration: The course consists of a total of 32 hours –16 hours in class and 16 hours working on projects outside the class. Participants: The Special English for Dawa Evaluation will involve all the participants who attended. Outlines Schedule Course Material
Workshop Materials Course Materials: Basic concepts in Islam (Pamphlets or booklets) The 90 Qs PowerPoint Islam and Muslims Christian Muslim Dialogue Christianity and Islam as seen in the Bible The course will use materials found on the following websites: http://www.sultan.org/ and http://www.islamworld.net/ Outlines Schedule Requirement Duration
Evaluation Tools The facilitators & participants will be conducting constant evaluation of the participants English language/communication skills using different Evaluation tools. The purpose of this evaluation is to determine if the participants are applying what they have learned in the workshop; that is, if they are competently performing the English language communicative tasks required in their Dawa activities. Outlines Schedule Requirement Duration Course Material
TOOLS: The tools for evaluation will be in the following forms: A presentation checklist An oral appraisal checklist An Encounter Evaluation form METHODOLOGY: The methods to be used will include: Delivering on the spot mini-talk Observing mini-presentations delivered by participants (Baseline presentations) Conducting interviews with target audience Why convert? Storytelling Responding to Misconceptions Attending some real discussions between participants and target audience or a make-belief audience to assess participant’s oral skill Delivering real presentations Outlines Schedule Requirement Duration Course Material
Basic Christian Principles Discussion & Final Presentations Workshop Schedule Week 1 Week 4 Week 6 Introduction Basic Christian Principles Misconceptions Week 2 Week 5 Week 7 Language Sensitivity Other religions Discussion & Final Presentations Week 3 Week 8 Analysis Of Encounter Final Presentations Outlines Requirement Duration Course Material
Facilitators D All participants Introduction Week 1 Assignment Read, recite and record pamphlets on basic Islamic principles, summarize & report next session. Summarize a conversion story; why convert? Activity Explanation of course / Language Focus Probing Q’s & Film 2min. Baseline Presentations Facilitators D All participants Outlines Schedule Requirement Duration Course Material
Facilitators D All participants Language Sensitivity Week 2 (2hrs) Activity Reacting to English Expressions Related to Islam Why convert? Storytelling or A question is posed to each group Assignment Read, recite and record pamphlets on basic Islamic principles, summarize & report next session (As an out-of-class assignment, each participant should find a non-Muslim and present Islam to him. You will be asked to report on your encounter) Facilitators D All participants Outlines Schedule Requirement Duration Course Material
Facilitators D All participants Analysis Of Encounter Week 3 (2 hrs) Activity Reporting encounter & Discussion Distributing roles for next scenario session Assignment Christian Muslim Dialogue Christianity and Islam as seen in the Bible http://www.islamworld.nethttp://www.sultan.org/ Choose a topic for your final presentation Facilitators D All participants Outlines Schedule Requirement Duration Course Material
Basic Christian Principles Week 4 (2 hrs) Activity Scenario with a Christian Assignment Christian Muslim Dialogue Christianity and Islam as seen in the Bible Pamphlets http://www.islamworld.net http://www.sultan.org/ Reading misconceptions Preparing for next session Guest Speakers & participants Outlines Schedule Requirement Duration Course Material
Guest Speakers & participants Other religions Week 5 (2 hrs+) Activity Role play or scenario Assignment Read, recite and record pamphlets on basic Islamic principles, summarize & report next session Why convert? Storytelling Guest Speakers & participants Outlines Schedule Requirement Duration Course Material
Misconceptions Assignment Activity Scenario with A non-Muslim Week 6 (2 hrs) Activity Scenario with A non-Muslim Assignment Read, recite and record pamphlets on basic Islamic principles, summarize Guest Speakers & participants Outlines Schedule Requirement Duration Course Material
Speaker & Final Presentations Week 7 (2 hrs+) Activity Presentation and Discussion Final participants’ presentations &Feedback Film talk Assignment Preparing for the final presentation. Read, recite and record pamphlets on basic Islamic principles, summarize Guest Speakers & participants Outlines Schedule Requirement Duration Course Material
Final Presentations Assignment Activity Week 8 (2 hrs+) Activity Final participants’ presentations & Feedback Film talk Compare with initial presentation (Individual responsibility) Assignment Arrange for a talk in one of the Dawa Centers (Optional) All participants Outlines Schedule Requirement Duration Course Material
May Allah Bless You all