CHRISTIAN DISCIPLESHIP & Worldview Dan Smithwick Nehemiah Institute
Life spheres – from the Puritans God Good for 300 years Family Church State Nurture Education Community Instruction- The Word Education Sacraments Care of poor Defense Punishment Well-ordering Three primary institutions have been established by God: Family, church and state. Each institution has God-appointed responsibilities such that when properly administered, the blessings of God are realized (Deut. 28). But when responsibilities are abandoned, or usurped by another sphere, things do not work well. This chart reflects the ‘proper ordering’ of these spheres of responsibility by showing each sphere as equal in size. Key to a proper understanding of this is that all three spheres are to function ‘under God.’
Life spheres – Last 100 years God-less God State Family Church Nurture Education Community Instruction- The Word Education Sacraments Care of poor Defense Punishment Well-ordering Education Welfare, Etc., etc., etc. Here we see the general state of affairs in America today due to the loss of Biblical worldview understanding, especially in the home and the church- the family has been ‘shrunk’ to some degree, the church more so, and the state has been substantially ‘inflated’ in its duties. This is the result of man redefining the ordering of society according to Humanistic and Socialist thinking, rather than adhering to the Word of God. God will not bless such a society.
Life spheres – In past 2-3 years God-defying God State Family Church Nurture Education Community Instruction- The Word Education Sacraments Care of poor Defense Auto industry Banking Insurance Health care Housing This is now where we are heading- state control of most everything- textbook Socialism!
PEERS Testing A Biblical worldview assessment program designed to assess how one views God, man and the world around him. In order to help Christian educators determine the degree to which Biblical worldview was being understood and adopted by students, Nehemiah Institute developed the PEERS Test. It’s purpose is to help students (and adults) determine what ‘set of beliefs’ we use to shape our view of God, man, and the world.
Worldview Categories Politics How we govern Economics How we prosper Education How we learn Religion What we worship Social Issues How we relate The PEERS Test is a ‘worldview assessment’ program designed to help us see what worldview philosophy shapes our thoughts in five major areas of life: Politics, Economics, Education, Religion and Social Issues. All cultures are built upon these spheres of life.
Ministry Leaders Biblical Theism Moderate Christian Secular Humanism This shows average results from a group of approximately three dozen Biblical scholars who teach and/or write on Biblical worldview at a professional level. All members of this group scored above 70, giving evidence that the PEERS Test quite accurately reflects the meaning of a Biblical worldview. These results were obtained during the period from 1988-1992.
Humanists & New Ager’s Biblical Theism Socialism These results reflect views of approximately three dozen individuals who self-proclaim to be Humanists or New Agers. Results were obtained by running ads in the Humanist magazine and the New Age magazine for a ‘free philosophy assessment.’ We can only assume that those responding answered the questions with honest opinions. Again, these results give evidence of the PEERS Test accurately reflects non Biblical worldview thinking.
Influence on Society? Biblical Humanists Scholars Two bodies of thought Humanists Biblical Scholars This chart shows results of the two previous groups, Biblical scholars and self-professing Humanists on a side-by-side basis. It is quite clear from these results that two very different views of life exist between the two groups. Our question is, “Which group is having the most influence on our society?” Few Christians would argue that it is the Humanists who are successfully shaping the public square (and maybe the church) with their anti-Christian views. During early America and later during the founding era of our nation, it was the opposite. How far we have fallen.
Worldview of youth Biblical Theism This shows the PEERS results (worldview understanding) of high school youth in two education settings: lower bars: students from Christian homes and attending public schools; gray bars: students attending traditional Christian schools. Very troubling, and concerning, that results are getting lower each succeeding year. Students are going with the flow of culture more than with Biblical reasoning.
This chart adds a third group of high school students- those from what we consider “worldview” Christian schools. This is evidence that a mature, biblical worldview can be taught and embraced by youth. Unfortunately, this is happening in less that 5% of Christian schools, and less than .5% of youth from Christian homes. 14 slides
Summary results – 20 years
Why? 1. Why the shift in America from essentially a Christian nation to a secular nation? 2. Why are Christian education institutions going secular? Two important questions:
Answer: State of the Church 1. Let go of education 2. Giving rise to false religions in America 3. Redefining who we are The blame for the “secularization of Christian homes” is with the Church- weak theology and intentional removal from the public square regarding social policy.
Four Faces of Religion Biblical Theism Humanism Mormonism Dominate religion today! Now America is faced with a serious ‘power grab’ for the religious dimension of our culture. Christianity is NOT winning this battle. Islam
Four Faces of Religion - Someday Biblical Theism If, we get to work! God will not be mocked; His Word will one day rule again, but not without judgment and much pain.
Solution: Biblical worldview education/training- in the church! Engaging culture with a well-defined Biblical view of life, personal and corporate. Pray New tools: The Church has to learn once again how to be “The Church.” The Church is the holder of Truth; it must do as the Reformers did, and as the Puritans did- apply Truth to all aspects of culture. Let’s get started! Pillars of the World is a new tool that is designed for the Church to ‘equip the saints’ in the matter of biblical worldview.
The end-- “Come, let us build—” Neh. 2:17